Monday, January 25, 2016

weekly update no.4


Hello friends, 

I'm back with another weekly update! This week in Pittsburgh we had a rather large snow storm that 'forced' me to stay inside. I say 'forced' because I hate going out in the cold, so I guess it was just a really good excuse to stay in this week. But, with staying in comes incredible amounts of productivity. I finally finished two of my hand stitched dolls that will be going on in the shop some time next month. I'm going to try and finish a few more before I list any of them. But, these two little gals are totally done and probably some of the cutest dolls I've ever made! I've really been enjoying the process of making these little friends. I love seeing their personalities take shape as I progress with their creation. So far, making the shoes is my favorite part. I think those little moccassins are just so stinkin' cute!! I've started two more dolls this week that I think will eventually turn into little faeries once their done. These ones will be much more intricate. I love putting a lot of detail into my dolls, I feel like that makes them stand out against the sea of hand made dolls on Instagram and Etsy. 

Other than tons of doll making, there hasn't been much going on this week. Bry and I didn't even go out on my days off, other than to go to the grocery store. The snow is pretty, but I don't like playing in it. As much as I love Pittsburgh, I hate the cold and the winter. I do not belong in cold weather states haha! My hair is getting longer frickin' finally, and I can put it up in a tiny little baby bun- it's very exciting to me!! I also went to a flea market with my clients at work this past weekend and found myself the cutest little Grateful Dead Bear plush. His name is 'Friend o' Mine' after the song 'Friend of the Devil'. I've been a Deadhead since I was 15, and the cute little Dead Bears are my favorite Dead characters. I couldn't pass him up, I just had to have him. He's currently sitting on the table at the foot of our bed watching over us while we sleep. 

Snapchat and blogging have also been a big part of this week. Snapchat has come out with some silly 'filter faces' (that's what Bry and I call them) and it's been really fun sending goofy videos and photos back and forth to Bry and baby brother, David. I'm trying my best to stick with my blogging schedule this month, and to get back into a solid routine when it comes to this blog. Truth be told, I am not the most consistent blogger, but 2016 is the year I'm working on changing that. This year, I've also made it a goal to buy from smaller sellers, and purchase more from fellow Etsy sellers. The tank top I'm wearing in the photo below is from Skyline Fever- the husband of the ever amazing and inspirational Laura of Roots and Feathers.  I recently purchased it from his Etsy shop and it is seriously the my comfortable thing I own at the moment. Eventually, I would like to do a proper photo shoot and style it right, but it had just come in the mail and it was too comfy not to wear! 

Hopefully, next week is just as fun as this week was. It went quickly, it was easy, and I got a lot done! Those are my favorite kind of weeks. What have you guys been up to this week? 

xoxo. Holly Erinn 


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