Monday, January 11, 2016

Weekly Update no. 2


Hello friends, 

Last week was quite the surprise, literally! I try not to complain about it, but my December birthday kinda bums me out. I never really celebrate my birthday with a party or anything, the holidays are always so busy- no one really has time with all their family events. I guess my grumpiness about my birthday was heard this year, because this past Friday all of my magical friends threw me a surprise birthday party at Panda's house! My Kennywood framily, Bryan and even my dad were in on it! They faked me out with a fake tea how could I even say no to a tea party?! I was so stunned when they opened the door and yelled surprise. I honestly just stood there for a second, basically with an error message screening across my eyes. My nephew, Calvin ran up, and handed me a little tea light and tried his best to say surprise too! I love these people so very much, it almost hurts my heart! They are all such good folks, and I truthfully do not know where I'd be without their help, love, and knowledge. They're all such talented people, too! Every one in the above photo is a crafter in one way or another. They're such an inspiration to be around.  They really got me this time. What a group... check out a few more of the photos from the party, and a few more from the rest of the week! 

Panda and David made me little cake pop Mome Raths

There were multiple kinds of teas. 

And, since I didn't know it was my party; I made petite fours. They didn't turn out perfectly, but they sure were colorful. And, folks seemed to like them! 

Amanda Jean's mama got me this adorable Alice in Wonderland necklace for my birthday!

Bry and I finally used our Red Robin gift card and we got tasty milkshakes!! 

I started working on my jean vest, and bought a few awesome patches from Etsy. Going clockwise from top left, no.1//no.2 (shop no longer available)//no.3

My friend, Colleen recently turned Bry and I onto the crack of phone games, also know as Neko Atsume. I have been completely hooked. Bry said he read an article that states science says its ok to be addicted to this game. Dunno why, I didn't read it. But if science says it's ok....

I actually did my makeup this week! Only because I bought a new lipstick from Lime Crime. This is the shade Shroom. I'm actually pretty impressed by this stuff, it lasted a pretty decent time. I'd like to wear it again and do a proper review. 

I know this doesn't look like much, but I've started redoing our bathroom. It was a complete disaster. There was absolutely no storage what so ever, and I couldn't stand it anymore. Bry was always yelling at me that my stuff was all over the floor, but how the hell was is not supposed to?! It looks so much nicer now, and everything has a place. Now just to make it look just a bit prettier. I'll update you guys as I finish this project!

And, as I continue on this next leg of the blogging adventure known as happinessbrand; I am doing my best to stay organized and stick to my schedule. That's always been my biggest struggle-sticking to the schedule. Do you guys have any tips on how to stick with your editorial calendar and staying organized while blogging?? I' d love to hear them! Leave me some links down in the comments. 

Until next time, folks! 

xo. Holly Erinn 

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