Saturday, January 10, 2015

::Lead & Pigments:: Planning on Spring


Hello friends!! 

This year is going to consist of a lot of change in my life. I'm on the latter end of the last two weeks of my job. I've decided to leave, but that's a discussion for another post. Today is a little more lighthearted. I've been doing a lot of thinking of where I'd like my life to go. What I actually want to do, and how I need to go about achieving those goals. I've decided to start airbrushing again, but on my own this time. The avenues I thought I had open to me, are now not too open. So, I'm going to venture out on my own. I'm going to genuinely start building my empire, and working towards that big goal of self sufficiency and a shop/ boutique of my own. I'm going to start super small, and continue with my Etsy shop. Because, it's my baby and it's doing pretty well....and beyond that I'm really enjoying working on it. I can't wait to actually have the time to build it up, and properly work on it. 

I've got big plans for 2015, and that's kind of scary. But, it's the good kind of scary. I'm going to work my tail off to make this happen and be a contributing part of my family again, instead of this sleepy, grumpy dragon I have been these past few months. I'm going to start sewing again, and I have been dreaming up all kinds of things to put up in the shop for spring/summer. Oh, how I love the spring!! These sketches are just a few ideas of the flowy shirt line I've been dreaming up for the shop. There'll be a lot of semi see-through fabrics, layers, and very bohemian inspired. I'm going back to my roots. Because it feels right. Big colors, bold patterns, and bright patchwork. I'm going home. 

I hope you enjoy this little peek into the process. There'll be a lot more in the next coming weeks as I readjust to a creative life. It's going to be a struggle, but I've learned to enjoy the struggle. It makes the rewards that much sweeter! 

xo. holly erinn  


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