Friday, January 16, 2015

::Life Lately:: Later December/ Early January


Hello friends,

Life around this time of year can be pretty hectic. The holidays just ended, we're all trying to keep up with those New Year's resolutions, and getting back into the swing of normal life can be a little trying. But, this time of year is always the most fun! Loads of presents, friends, and food make for a great few weeks. My birthday is 5 days after Christmas, so between that and the rest of the holidays, this season gets rather extended for my circle of friends. I'm always taking photos, and I wanted to put together a little collection of the past few weeks, and some of the highlights! 

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The above few photos are from Christmas day and my birthday. A few of us went out to see the final Hobbit movie for my birthday, which was AWESOME! For Christmas this year, my dad, Bryan, Davie, and myself went to breakfast at IHOP. That's been mine and my father's tradition for almost 4 years now. It's pretty nice waking up Christmas morning and getting someone else to make you a delicious plate of french toast! Makes the day go by nicer. 

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Pepper cat has been extra snuggley with Bry lately. She's very insistent on sleeping right by him every night, and even when he's not there-she's right there napping on her own on his pillow. That's love right there, folks! 

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Southside Steaks down on Carson Street is probably in my top 5 favorite places to eat in the city. The folks that work there are super cool, the food is always bomb (try the chicken & mushroom!!), and their prices are reasonable. We find ourselves down that way a lot, it's my favorite side of Pittsburgh. We stopped there last week sometime on a whim, and had ourselves a nice little dinner. Bryan ate all my onion rings though, so we're going to have to go back soon!  

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Speaking of Pepper cat...yea this is how I found her the other morning. I think she thinks she's a person. Does anyone else's cat do weird stuff like this, or is it just mine?

I started working more on my Society 6 shop, check out my most recent pieces in the latest blog post I wrote about them. There's about 3 new ones, and one hysterical one for Valentine's Day! 


This is my favorite fashion post recently! 


And check out my biggest fashion post to date! I go in depth on how I plan out outfits, and how to get more use out of the clothes you already have. 1 skirt, 4 looks, check it out now! 

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this little peek into what's been going on lately. I'll be doing more of these posts in the coming months. I really like looking back to catalog and document what's been happening in my life. And, with the enormous amount of change that is going to be happening as I make this transition into a new adventure, I'm sure there'll be a lot to document! What have you guys been up to lately?

xo. holly erinn

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