Wednesday, January 28, 2015

::Lead & Pigments:: Sketchbook no. 2


Hello friends, 

Lately, since I've been home, and not working...I've made it a point to start sketching more. I've noticed over the years, it really helps keep your skills sharp, warms you up when you want to do something more serious, and really just makes me happy. Sketchbooks have been a huge part of my life since I was about 3. My father handed me art supplies at an incredibly young age, and I have yet to find something that hold my attention as well as art. 

I think this is going to be a continuing segment here on the blog. It's really been a pleasure sharing my sketchbook with you guys. I think I may have mentioned it before, but I'm so close to running out of my current sketchbook, and bought an awesome new purple one that I can't wait to start. A new sketchbook is super exciting for me. As lame sounding as that is....but, I never really know what I'm going to draw so it's open to a whole new world of possibility. 

But for today, I'm sharing with you a few of the most recent sketches I've done. This book has been really fun. I stopped putting rules on how I draw, and have become accustom to sketching in ink. Amanda always yells at me for sketching in pen, because she just doesn't understand how I do it. It's all about starting off light, and building up the lines as you sculpt out your figure. One of these days, I'll film myself doodling so you can see how I sketch. For now, enjoy these little doodles!! 

xo. holly erinn 

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Monday, January 26, 2015

::Random Post:: The Little Things


Hello friends, 

I'm here today with something a little different. I wanted to start a new segment on here to showcase the small things during the day that really make my heart smile. I recently started working on stage show with my sister where we're doing makeup with our BFF, Panda. I looked down at the table on our practice day to see all of our colors sprawled out in a glorious mixed up rainbow. Colors have always been a huge part of my life, and a good source of happiness for me. I'm drawn to bright, happy colorful things like a moth to the flame. In that little moment, I smiled, and just had to stop and take a photo. It's things like this that really mean something to me. Just got to stop and look around a little every once in a while. Notice the small things in life. They add up fast. 

xo. holly erinn 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

::Etsy Round-up: T-shirt Love

Hello friends,

If you don't know already, I am a t-shirt girl through and through. And, you oughta also know by now, I am a huge fan of Etsy. If you go through my favorites on there, you'll see a ton of killer shirts with crazy designs by small, up & coming designers. I wanted to put a little collection of some of my faves on Etsy. Enjoy the comfy, cotton goodness! Got a picture of your favorite shirt?? Lemme see, tag me on Instagram- @hollyerinn

xo. holly erinn

Saturday, January 24, 2015

::The JukeBox:: alt-J

Hello friends, 
Today's jukebox is one that I absolutely can not get out of my head. This song has been stuck up there for weeks, and every once in a while, when I'm not expecting it, it'll pop back up and stay there for hours! I've been super into this song ever since I heard it on the radio. It's so poppy, and energetic. The perfect recipe for a ear worm. Listen at your own risk. This song is the shit. 
xo. holly erinn 

Friday, January 23, 2015

::Life Post:: Going Back To Freelance

Hello friends,

I know I've mentioned it several times, but I recently quit my "big girl job" in the pursuit of happiness and a more creative life. Over the past couple of years, I have made a few wrong turns, a few wrong choices, and have lost sight of what I actually want in life. I made a promise to myself years ago that I would do everything in my power to search out happiness, and that art had to be a part of my life. Truth be told, I've been trying to be an "adult" and do things "the right way". But, it honestly makes me miserable. 

In 2009, I graduated with an associate's degree in Illustration from Douglas Education Center, and I have not be doing anything with my degree since. What the fuck?! I did have an awesome job in an airbrush shop for a few years after graduation, but that fell threw due to personal conflicts with the owner. It was probably the best job I have ever had, and I really miss being able to use my skills in a real, concrete profitable way. But that ship has sailed, and it's time for a new route to explore. There's a lot of plans that I have for this year. And, I've actually been making good on them so far. Eventually, I'm going to turn the ginormous basement in my dad's house into an airbrush shop of my own. I'm slowly turning my old bedroom into a full office/studio, and Bryan, myself, and my best friend Davie are moving in with my dad within the next few months. Life is changing rapidly, but in a good way. Things are finally looking positive. But, there's still a lot of work to do. 

Today, I want to share with you the few websites that I'm using to produce, and sell my works. 2015 is the year I go back to art as my career! If that means I'm a starving artist, than that just means I get to shed a few pounds and fit into my bikini! haha! Silver linings, folks! But, in all seriousness, I've really been working hard to stock my shops with great products for you guys. There's going to be a lot more being posted,and produced within the coming months. 

First up is my shop on society6, there you'll find tons of my art on everything from prints to shower curtains. Their products are super high quality, and there's tons of different surfaces you can get things printed on. My favorites are the shirts, and totes. I really want to fill my shop with a crazy amount of colorful totes. That's a big goal for this year! I fucking love totes ahha! 

And, of course, you all know about my etsy shop. I'm always gabbing on about it. Right now in the shop, there's a bunch of crystals, a few shirts, and a couple of original pieces of art! Etsy is one of my favorite platforms to sell on, and the community that has been built around this site is amazing. Beyond selling my wares on Etsy, I love looking around at the other stores too. There's something for everyone, and for every occasion on there. You can even find patterns, tutorials, and craft supplies. There's so much. I love my little shop, though, and I'm always making and thinking of new things to list for sale. I'm hoping to put a bunch of new stuff up in the shop next week. So, stay tuned for a giant shop update soon!! 

In addition to selling on Etsy, and Society6 I'll be continuing to take on commissioned projects, and looking for markets around the area to sell at. There'll be more sketches floating around the blog, and lots more art for you all to ogle at. I'm beginning to figure out where I actually belong in this world, and I need to get back to who I really am. And, that's art. It's always been art. It's always going to be art. 2015 is going to be hella colorful!!

xo. holly erinn

Have you guys checked out my society 6 shop yet? There's a lot of my best pieces available as prints, shirts, totes, mugs and more! Check everything out now at ✌πŸ˜œπŸŽ¨πŸŒΌπŸƒ:crow
Working on some more faerie doodles. It feels really good to be drawing again. ✌πŸ˜œπŸŽ¨πŸŒΌπŸƒ

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

::Random Post:: Favorite Youtubers

Hello friends,

In this day and age any one can be a celebrity, a guru, or a famous painter. Technology has brought us so incredibly far, and the most amazing part is being able to see ordinary people shine and get recognition! Youtube has been one of the biggest platforms for people to get noticed. I've really been enjoying diving deep into the corners of Youtube, and finding a new artist or makeup guru. There's so much talent out there. I wanted to share a  few of my most recent favorites that have really been inspiring me. They give me the confidence to know that I can do something similar, and make my own mark on the internet. So, take a break, grab a cup of something warm, and snuggle up to some awesome Youtubers!

Up first is Tanya Shatseva, her art has really been on my mind lately. Her use of color and the ease of her line work has really got the cogs turning in my mind. Every time I finish one of her videos it just makes me want to draw haha! You can check out more of her art here: tumblr, devinatart, instagram & society6

Mandy has been one of my favorite bloggers for years now! She recently got into the world of vlogging as well. Though, she may not post videos all that often, her videos are bright and lively, and most certainly worth watching! This video in particular made me run our and buy the facewash she talks about. And, it is probably the best stuff I've ever bought. She didn't like it, but it works wonders for me. You can check out more of Mandy here: blog, instagram & tumblr

I LOOOOOOOOOVE this girl! Bunny is one of the shiniest stars in Youtube land! She's bright, energetic, and all around seems like a fun gal. She's a mix of beauty, fashion, lifestyle & review channel. There's so much going on over on her channel that it's nearly impossible to get bored. I love her style, and she's always trying something new. You can not get sick of this girl. You can check out more of Bunny here: shop, instagram & tumblr

Last but certainly not least, Agnest Cecile. This girl is brilliant with watercolors, and a white gel pen. I originally found her on Deviantart last year. I came across the painting in this video, and there was a link down in the discription for the time lapse video. Immediately, I had to watch it. It was over for me then. I'm fairly certain that I've watched all of her video, like a creep. But, the flow of her pieces, and the colors that she paints with are beyond magical. The small detail in the hair is enough to keep my occupied for hours. You can check out more of Agnes here: deviantart, shop & facebook

I hope you guys enjoyed these, and discovered a few new folks to check out. I love seeing new people, and coming across new artists. Do you guys have any favorite Youtubers? Share them with me down below!! 

xo. holly erinn 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

::Lead & Pigments:: Sketchbook Sneak Peeks

Hello friends! 
Well, it is officially the first week of my freedom! And, as per usual I have been celebrating by drawing more. When I feel good, I draw. Over the years, I've noticed when I'm not feeling well, or unhappy in a situation- I stop drawing, and creating in general. It's a concrete sign that things are not going well in my life. I read like a book, ya'll! But, any way! Things are feeling much better, and much lighter. I've been bonding again with my sketchbook, and even bought a new one in anticipation of finishing this one. I have to get a new one before the old one is finished because if I finish a sketchbook and there's nowhere else to draw after...I panic. It is such a terrible feeling! But, I've learned to avoid those icky artsy feelings. Haaha! I'm getting so far off track. But, here's a peek into what I've been drawing lately. I'll be sure to post more things as I draw them! 
xo. holly erinn 
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Sunday, January 18, 2015

::Random Post:: Blogs I Love!!

Hello friends

I wanted to share some of the blogs that I read most frequently, and that really inspire me. I originally got into blogging way back when because of reading all kinds of wonderful blogs that really inspired me to do it on my own. I saw all these ladies creating wonderful content, taking breathtaking photos, and really developing community. And, the older I get, the more I find out there in the blogosphere, and the more I connect with folks- I really know this is what I want to be doing. So, I wanted to share with you the blogs that most recently have been inspiring me! Here we go...

Laura of Roots and Feathers is my all time favorite blogger. I'm sure I've spoken about her before, but she most certainly deserves another mention. Her photography and creativity push me to go harder on this whole blog this. She's a force of nature and really one of the sweetest women online. I am completely in love with her style, and on top of that she's an incredibly talented jewelry designer! Check out her blog, her shop, and her magazine! You won't be disappointed. 

I've been following Amanda of Little Lady Little City for quite some time now, and I must say she's quite the doll. She lives up in the mountains with her hunny and shares her adventures as well as her fashion. I love her style, it definitely speaks to me. I love her mix of sweet and nerdy. 

Crissy of Dainty Fawn is a sweetheart. She's one of the first connections I made when I started blogging again. She's super crafty, and her style is hella cute! She's always got a new hair style, and frequently give excellent advice on how to color and maintain fun hair colors. She's even got the cutest little shop where she makes fun crocheted critters, hats, and scarves! She's also got a shop where you can purchase blogger templates! 

Mucho Mucho Bueno Bueno is a duo of sisters that share their love of everything from hair to art to fitness to decor! These ladies are super chill and laid back and their blog definitely has the same feel. They've also got a sweet little shop filled with treasure and Bohemian goods to oogle at! 

Raych of Pony Gold is one of my favorite illustrators at the moment. She's very loose with her lines, and the vibe is so chill , that I just can't help loving her style. She's constantly posting peeks of her sketchbook and things she's been working on for commissions and I love seeing it all. Her style rocks, and I love how she uses color and the ease of her lines. I wouldn't mind owning a print of hers some day. You can check out more of her work here!

I hope you guys liked this post, I'd like to do more of these as I find more blogs over time! Hopefully, you found some new and interesting people to check out. There's an entire world out there to discover, and I can't wait to share it with you guys! Are there any blogs you love that you keep up with regularly? Share them with me down in the comments!! 

xo. holly erinn