Monday, August 24, 2015

A Trip to the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum

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Hello friends,

A few weeks ago, Bryan and I went for a little road trip for his birthday. We weren't sure exactly where we were headed, but we thought West Virginia was a good starting point. There were a few stops along the way. We stopped at a few parks, saw some amazing sunsets, and took a shit ton of photos. But, probably my favorite stop was the one I've decided to share with you today. We found ourselves pretty close to Weston, and figured The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum could be a fun stop. My dad had talked a lot about this place, and it seemed like it could be pretty cool. Turns out it was a shit ton of fun, and our tour guide was just amazing! She was probably in her mid-twenties, and her humor was spot on. Most of our group didn't quite get it, but Bryan and I thought she was funny!

The whole experience was intense. Seeing the conditions people lived in once, and hearing about how they truly weren't as terrible as you'd think, was quite overwhelming. The building itself was overwhelming in it's size and beauty. Being some one who travels through life with mental illness, it was an interesting time processing all the stories we heard that day. The doctor's truly seemed to care about their patients there in the later years of the asylum. They decorated their halls with bright and beautiful colors, stunning furniture, and happy hand painted flowers on the walls. She told us they hand painted the walls instead of using wall paper because the patients had tendency to peel off the paper and eat it.

She had a million amazing stories....

Of course, I took some outfit photos in their creepy ass bathroom. I was going for a country vibe, can you tell? I've really been digging my little raccoon tail on my key ring, actually I've got two on there now. And, fuck yea...check out my stellar boots!

There were several posters in the main lobby that really grabbed my attention. They're so simple, but speak SSOOOO loudly! I love simple design like this, it speaks so clearly to its subject. The colors were just lovely too. This was the first thing I saw when we walked in. And, I'm not going to lie- this kind of heightened my nerves as we approached the start of our tour. They knew too much already....

And, there were countless long hallways. Some how the light shown through the windows just right the whole time. The ceiling were all crumbly, and I'm sure you can imagine the musky smell swirling down these halls.

The further we went in our tour, the brighter and happier the colors got. Bryan of course was being cheeky the whole time. He's always joking, my big goofball. You should check out his instagram for all of his amazing photography!

There were pieces of furniture sparsely placed throughout the halls.

Salon chairs leftover left ghostly feels as we passed by. It's weird how pieces of furniture can spark up memories I've never had.

This was our tour guide. Such a hysterical girl! There were a few floors that they had redone to be period accurate. The new owners of the property have put a ton of money into restoring these floors. They've collected and curated some beautiful decor for these rooms, and halls. It was really mesmerizing.

These shots were from the doctor's quarters on the second floor. If anyone was living the high life in this place, it was the doctor and his family.

This was a shot from the highest floor in the building, the nurses' quarters. Unlike the stunning doctor's quarters, the nurses lived in very small, box-like dorms with one high up window. They looked very similar to the patients' rooms, without the bed restraints or bars.

After the guided tour, there were a few rooms with more information on the doctors, and history on the asylum. I loved all the found objects from all around the grounds. The nurses' uniforms were spooky to me, like there were three of them just standing in the corner.

The glass collection was my favorite. And, I had to snap a shot of all the old trunks for my dad. He restores old trunks as a hobby, and they're aaaamazing!

I know it sounds ridiculous, but I could definitely feel some spirits still floating around the halls. It may be my over active imagination, or maybe there's still some ghosts in those walls. I can just see the folks roaming the grounds on a sunny day like the day we visited. It truly was an intense trip.

Come October, Bryan, Dad, and I plan on going back down for their haunted house, and night tour. I'm kind of really nervous/ excited about it now that I'm writing this and remembering how crazy this tour was for me. But, I'm certainly looking forward to the trip....and all the new photos to be taken!

Have you ever been here?

xo. holly erinn

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

::The Jukebox:: Courtney Barnett

Hello friends, 

It's been a hot minute since we listened to some tunes together. This week's spotlight is a new voice I heard on the radio a few weeks ago. At first, I really wasn't into Courtney's music. She has more of a spoken word feel to her songwriting. Usually, that's not my style. I love a good melody that flows and you can sing out to. Though, after a few more listens she started worming her way into my head, and I found myself singing this song after I turned off the radio. In a market flooded with pretty little song birds, Courtney Barnett sets herself apart with her almost monotone voice and upbeat guitar licks. Her lyrics are playful, and truly make you listen to what she's saying. Words can often get lost in a sea of over produced, sugary melodies and drum beats; but Courtney is able to set herself apart with intelligent wordplay and simple songwriting. It's kind of brilliant what she's doing. 

Give it a listen, and let me know what you think down in the comments!! 

xo. holly erinn 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Threads & Textiles: Doe a Dear


Hello friends, 

Finally, the weather in Pittsburgh has dried up and I got some time to play in the woods. Though, the day that I decided to go to my favorite park there were a few interruptions that made taking these photos kind of hard. I usually sit down by the river bank a little further back in the woods from the actual park. There's a gorgeous view of the river bend and boats like to go past; which makes me smile. But, the day I decided to shoot there were 2 teenage boys that thought it would be fun to follow me into the woods and make me uncomfortable. Instead of being polite and leaving me alone, or just saying hello, they decided to sneak around the woods and watch me from behind trees. It was really weird, and they stayed out there for a good twenty minutes. So instead of making it any stranger than it already was, I just sat down by the river to draw and waited for them to leave. They did after a while. But, it was really weird and uncomfortable. 

Anyways, after the little turds left I was able to run around freely to take my photos. I picked this skirt up at the Old Navy Outlet Store at the Tanger Outlets in Washington on the way back home from our little trip to West Virginia. A lot of those stores up there are still very expensive for being outlet stores, but the Old Navy one has some pretty solid deals. I picked up 2 skirts and 2 V-neck tees for only $24...that's a damn good deal! So, if you ever down that way, I'd suggest stopping. I believe the ring I'm wearing is from Forever XXI but I got it so very long ago that I don't think they'd still have this design in stock. I'm sure there's rings around that are comparable. Geodes, crystals, and natural rocks are so very popular nowadays. 

I enjoyed the little time I got to spend with my favorite little spot. Hopefully, I'll get to go back and hopefully the weather is just as lovely. Do you guys have any favorite spots to sit and relax? 

xo. holly erinn 


Monday, August 10, 2015

Shop Update


Hello friends, 

If you follow me on any social media, you have heard me barking about my recent shop update for about a week now. I recently listed 8 brand new, one of a kind pieces; that I'm seriously proud of! Sewing has come back into my life in a huge way. I'm finally feeling confident enough in my sewing skills to share them with everyone else. The pieces listed today are some of my all time favorites, and I really hope someone gives them a good home. Most pieces are size medium/large, with best fit being around a size 14/15 US woman's.  Eventually, I'll be making more in a variety of sizes, but this is just the first batch! 

You can check out the whole lot by poppin' over to my Etsy Shop, or by just following the links down below to see the individual pieces. Thanks for taking a look, hopefully you love them just as much as I do! 

What's your favorite piece in this collection? Let me know down in the comments! 

xo. holly erinn 










Saturday, August 8, 2015

Sunshine Yellow

Hello friends, 

Continuing with my color theory theme, this week's color is yellow. Yellow has always been in my top 3 favorite colors of all time; after green and pink, respectively. It's the happiest color in the world and makes everything better! One of my favorite room at the house in Glassport is painted yellow. It used to be my mom's craft room. She painted sunflowers all around the top. It's going to be my office/living room/ Landon's room/ guest room....really just a multipurpose room once we move back to Glassport. It's a lovely little room that will get tons of love. And, it has the very best natural light. It faces the back of the house that gets the most beautiful morning sun. It shines through the pear tree and makes the yellow walls shimmer with the warmest light. Maybe it's just me, but the sunflowers seem to dance in the sunshine! 

I've always wanted a yellow house. Or, maybe just a yellow front door would look nice. I love the things in this list. Yellow makes any space a little happier, and that house definitely needs more of that. Maybe, I'll paint the stairwell yellow, or maybe all the ceilings, or maybe just everything in the house will be yellow. I believe I've gone a little yellow mad, but at least the house will be cheery!! I should stop now. I'll get back to you on all of this later haha! 

What's your favorite color?

xo. holly erinn