Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday Favorites no. 10

this radical photo

Hello friends, 

It's Friday again! That means today I've got a bunch more weird internet shit to share with you! I really have been spending a lot of time surfing the interwebs this week after getting back from mine and Bry's little weekend getaway road trip thingy. The thing is; there's no fucking internet reception down in West Virginia! My phone was basically useless other than as a camera, which I didn't need. I had brought my good camera with us for the trip. So I let the battery on my phone die, and didn't touch it for 3 days. Since we got back on Sunday, we've been inseparable; my phone, the internet, and I.  So, get ready for some weird internet stuff this week. Like, the random 'I don't really know where this came from but I really liked the photo' photo above! 

This week's list is very bright, and pastel. I was seeing a lot of green over the weekend, and I think I needed some pink and lavenders in my life. Everything I've been looking up/ drawing has been really colorful and very bright lately. I think I'm moving away from the super natural color pallets to a brighter, more pastel pallet. There's probably something to say about that. I think I'm trying to regain some sort of awesomeness that I feel like I'm losing as I push 30, and am getting older.....adulting...becoming not cool. But, that's a whole other can of sad, sad worms that we don't need to open up right now. 

Anyways, let's focus on the fun stuff, and shove away our emotions with pretty, happy colors! Bry and I visited The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum this weekend, and one of the reoccurring themes to improve their patients' moods where bright, happy, pastel colors. Supposedly, it works. We'll see how that goes. 

This week since we've been back has been full of sneezing (allergies), being all kinds of sad about not being on the road still, and getting back to the normal routine. Not going to lie, coming back home after being on vacation for a few days is one of the worst feelings in the world. Bryan and I have been moping around the house since we've been back. Though, I'm sure by next week, we'll get our groove back! After he comes home this week after his block shift we plan on doing a major overhaul on our room. Gettin' back into that real life swing of things. 

What are you guys up to this week? 

xo. holly erinn 

this beyond amazing coat

this beautiful makeup

this stupid cool phone case

these amazing jewelry boxes

this rad nail design

this gorgeous wall art

this super cute pastel outfit

this ultra inspiring wall art

this photo and blog post on tips for better 'lifestyle' photography

this shirt definitely needs to be in my wardrobe

this adorable farmer's market themed first birthday

this beautiful outfit photo of one of my favorite bloggers in her amazing room

these amazing marbled balloons

this awesome driftwood wall art

these spunky little opossums 

Weekly Etsy Picks 

Weekly Linkage

these look soooo yummy!

chris crocker's grandma is a hoot!

these illustrations are brilliant!

an excellent article, and a good excuse to break out those crayola's! 

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