Monday, August 3, 2015

Radical Self Love


Hello friends, 

Recently I overheard some women talking about one of their friends. While I was waiting for my coffee, I heard them making fun of her, calling her vain for putting selfies of her's into a collage. "What kind of person does that?" they shrieked, "She must really been feeling herself!"

When did it become such a crime to love yourself? I'm sure I'll hear something along the lines of vanity is a one of the seven deadly sins!! Holly, it's a sin! Uuuhhh.....

It's taken me quite a while to fall in love with myself. Self confidence is not born over night, especially when we live in a society designed to make girls feel terrible about themselves for every aspect of their lives. It's kind of like, 'how dare I feel good about myself today'! And the sad truth of it all is that it's all about making more money. When you feel ugly, you want that new contour kit, or that brand new designer bag; because it'll make you feel better! Ever heard of 'retail therapy'? Girls joke about it all the time. I have girlfriends that swear by it! I've fallen out of that circle. 

Today, I've chosen several photos of myself in which I feel beautiful! I have this crazy theory that if I just look in the mirror and tell myself I'm fucking awesome; it ends up becoming true. I give myself regular bathroom mirror pep talks. You kind of have to. I talked before about my weird mixed emotions regarding my arm pit hair, and other female body hair. It's something that I have to continuously reminding myself that it's alright, because the rest of the world is given me awkward looks, and making distasteful jokes. It's a battle. 

It's hard to love some one that doesn't love them self. I didn't understand this until I was in a relationship with a guy that had no self esteem. I found it hard to sit there and listen to his constant ridicule of himself to the point where I became uncomfortable. This fact was reaffirmed when I started dating Bry. He's cocky, proud, and boastful! But, he's loving and kind, too. Having confidence makes the others around you want to do better, and to strive for more. It's a good push. And, it shows me what true confidence looks like. He isn't shattered by media, or what men are doing now. He does his own thing, and that's inspiring to me. 

I suppose this whole long winded garbled mess is just a long way of saying be kinder to yourself, and don't let any one , or any media tell you that you aren't cool. There's something about everyone that is super awesome. And, I don't think we should be made to feel bad when we're feelin' ourselves!! 

What makes you awesome? Share your own RADICAL SELF LOVE and let me know about it! 

xo. holly erinn 


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