Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday Favorites no. 9

Hello friends, 

This week has had it's up's and radical down's. Let's just say, this week was trying. So today's Friday Favorites post is dedicated to things that make me happy.  The above poster speaks to my soul this week. Some times I just don't want to talk. But, I've been feeling alright since last night. I finally started putting together mine and Bry's room over at the house in Glassport. It's coming along nicely, but I'm digging out seven years worth of stuff, and it's been a project. Though on the upside of things, I've been dreaming about how I want to redo everything. I'm considering repainting the bedroom, but I'm not sure yet. 

Speaking of my dear Bryan, his birthday was yesterday. We're going on a little road trip this weekend, to where I'm not quite sure. We're thinking a state park or something outside. Don't worry there'll be tons of photos to share! He's really excited about it. Life has been rather stressful for my bear, and we just need a little getaway! He turns 26 this year, and we wanted to do something special. He's always talking about going on a road trip and stopping every time he sees something he wants to photograph. This is it. Like I said, tons of photos! 

You'll notice in today's post that there's a ton of interior design related picks. It's been on my mind a lot with the move and transition back home. There's more people living in that house that their ever has been and I'm about to bring two more and myself. It's a challenge but we're making it work! Kinda like a weird hippie commune. 

What's been on your mind this week??

xo. holly erinn 

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