Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday Favorites no. 8

i love the effect on this wall

Hello friends, 

This week has been full of scheduling, sewing, photographing, writing, sketching, planning, and organizing.....and some Netflix. Let's just say I've been kind of busy. I never imagined being my own boss would be so much work. But, I'm sure everyone says that when they first start their business. It's work I love though, so it's truly not bad. With the production of my own clothing for the shop, I have been very consumed by the planning and editing of how to release it. I spent most of the day on Monday photographing several pieces that'll be up in the shop by the end of the week. I'm excited to see if anyone responds to their listings and actually buys something. I'll probably cry when the first one gets sold, but I'm a sap like that. 

Beyond shop talk, Bryan and I have a few events, and a possible trip planned for this month. All of which will most certainly be photographed and shared with you lovely internet folks! We're going to the children's museum this tomorrow for my nephew's second birthday,and then Sunday we have another market to attend. Please pray for sunshine for us!!! Bry and I also recently purchased two pretty sweet clothing racks that we plan to replace our giant ugly metal closet with. I can't wait to see that thing go. It's such an eye sore, and so large- I want it gone! akljhgdajkWE@#&(*#%!(y!!! 

....Anyway...we've got a good bit planned for reorganization here at home, and that's what I think inspired this week's favorite's list. I've been dreaming up a lot of redecorating ideas, and things that I can do once we move back in with my dad. There's a lot of work, and it's taking me a long time to come to terms with it. I have to clean out my mom's old bedroom,and I think that's tripping me out a little....which is probably why I've been procrastinating so hard on it. Yahoo, for late night confessions. A sleep deprived Holly is being rather truthful. 

But, as always.... this week's list is bright, and full of color. I've been trying to add more color in my real life. Mostly in my wardrobe, and it's gotten me some pretty strange looks. You'll see why in next week's outfit post! LOL! 

What's your week looked like? Have you been working on anything fun lately? 

xo. holly erinn 

ps. Don't forget to check out the weekly links and etsy picks all the way down at the bottom for even more fun, and hysterical videos!! It's a Youtube version this week!!! <3

i love this idea. i have too many coffee cups...

anyone else love that classic 90's denim look?!

i miss having a lot of plants in the house. 

my sewing studio is right down the road from a Dunkin' Doughnuts
....i think I'm getting fat from all the coffee and pasteries

this is the book shelf of my dreams

this chocolate puppy is far too cute for real life

this store is just adorable 

it speaks to me on a spiritual level

i had beads on my door all thru highschool
i may have to revisit that trend

next tiny project?

i need to rob these people and steal their bathroom...

i feel like i need a million of these all around the house

Weekly Etsy Finds 

Weekly Linkage (Youtube Version)

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