Monday, July 27, 2015

Recent Project Round-Up


Hello friends, 

Since the wrap up of the book, I've been kind of floating around aimlessly on projects here and there. I honestly haven't been altogether that focused but I'm working on that. I've recently started putting together a legitimate editorial calendar, and thus far have been sticking to it. I'm only in the first week, but so far that's good for me. I'm writing this a little later that I had originally scheduled, but I'm getting it out on time. Being a self-employed freelance illustrator and shop owner has made me realize how much I need just a bit more structure in my life. I think I've talked about this before with you guys. First order of business is to get my office back in working order. I would be completely mortified if you guys saw the state it's in now. After the last two markets, I thoroughly tore it up! 

But, today I wanted to share with you some of the "inbetween" things I've been working on over the past few weeks. All of the projects in this post are works in progress, and are unfinished. Up top is a dress I started this past Wednesday. Eventually, I am going to do some embroidery around the neckline, arms, and waistline. Not sure what design I'm going with yet, but what ever I end up deciding I know it's going to be a lot of work. This dress will eventually be in the shop, but she's got a bit more work to be done before that can happen. 

Below are a few illustrations/sketches that I've been in the middle of for the past few weeks/months. There was a period of time where I was only drawing women with multiple creepy hands or witches with multiple hands floating in some mysterious mist. Recently, I've also been trying my hand at drawing more animals. Usually I only draw humans, mostly woman, and over the years that can get a little tired and boring. I find myself getting stuck in a rut with some style, and like to switch it up from time to time. I'd been researching my native american heritage and had several books on animals local to the Pennsylvania forests when I drew the woman with the doe at her feet. I'd like to either finish that sketch or revisit the idea. I feel like there's a story there that needs to come out. 

At the very bottom is a piece that I've been working off and on for the past year or so. It may actually be longer than that, I honestly can't remember. As most of you know, I have a very unhealthy obsession with Alice in Wonderland. It's one of those pieces that I started forever ago in pen, really ended up liking it just as an inked illustration, and then got scared to paint it. So, it sat in a pile of unfinished pieces forever. And there it sits, still unfinished. I will eventually finish it. I like is so far, and it's become such a heavy piece in my head that I can't bring myself to work on it most days. I still wanted to share it with you thou, even if it is so unfinished. It's one of my favorites, and I find myself looking at it a lot. Hopefully, you like it too. 

I hope you guys enjoy this post. In the future, I'd like to share more of these types of posts with you as I finish more projects. It's always kind of fun to see things in the middle of there process. 

Have you written about a project you've been working on? 
Share it with me down below in the comments!! 

xo. holly erinn 


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