Tuesday, July 21, 2015

::Textiles & Threads:: Strange Times


Hello friends, 

The weather here in Pittsburgh is finally starting to dry out a bit. It's been raining since late May. June and most of July have been a wash out. But the sun has started to poke itself out behind the clouds, giving me the opportunity to get dressed up and go exploring! I was on my way to pick Bryan up from work when I noticed a little cemetery off to the side of the road. There it was on the tiniest little hill next to the mill (teehee for rhyming) tucked away among a little bunch of trees. I had been looking for a place to stop for photos and this seemed fun! 

I'm probably doing six different kinds of disrespectful dancing around what seems to be a military cemetery but, the lighting was sweet, and it looked really rad. How often do you think these graves get a visit? I bet not very often. I went to visit, and now I'm memorializing them in this photo set. I think it's rather beautiful in a way. Give that a thought. But anyway, it was ridiculously hot on this day. Tights were mostly likely not the best wardrobe choice for the weather. But, then again when have I ever made an outfit choice that was? 

This skirt is rather short though, and tights were a necessary evil. I liked the pairing of very bright primary colors with simple makeup and accessories. It gives the colors room to breathe.....and doesn't make me look like too much of a nut as a cross a busy highway to hop over into an old ass cemetery. Nope, totally don't look crazy....
I had fun regardless. It's been quite a while since I felt up to doing an outfit post. So, I'm pretty excited to be getting back into it. Gives me an excuse to get dressed in the morning, and get out of the house. 

Any one else the works from home have difficulty getting out of the house regularly? 

Have you written an outfit post recently? Share with me down in the comments, I'd love to check it out! 

xo. holly erinn 


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