Thursday, July 16, 2015

Life Lately: June/ July pt. 1


Hello friends, 

I can't believe it's been a month since I've posted anything. June and the beginning of July have just been insane. With picnics, festivals, markets, and numerous family engagements, Bryan and I have been so busy! I also just finished up a huge children's book that has been consuming my life since probably April. I'll be sharing more of that in a later post! But anyways...I wanted to share a few snap shots of the past few weeks. The top photo is in front of the waterfall at Westmorland County Art's and Heritage Festival. We went with dad again for the second year in a row. That place is sooooo fun! We always have the best time up there with dad out on the boats, eating too much junk food, and browsing all the amazing art and handmades. Including that fucking killer sweater I'm wearing! 

I also included a couple snaps from the 4th. We spend the day with his family, which was the first time I met most of them. It was pretty nerve wracking but meeting new people is always like that for me. They're all really sweet thou, and truly made me feel welcome. His little grandma is the cutest thing. I loved talking with her, the sweetheart never stops smiling. We went to his cousin's wedding this past weekend too. That was probably the fanciest wedding I'd ever been to. 

The rest of the photos following, are of recent projects and items that will be listed in the shop soon. Until then, check out all the rest of the stash! I've got a bunch of photos to share still in Life Lately pt. 2! So stay tuned for more adorableness! 

What have you guys been up to? Have you blogged about your adventures lately? Share with me down in the comments, I love checking out what you guys have been up to! 

xo. holly erinn 


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