Friday, July 17, 2015

Friday Favorites no. 7

Hello friends!

I can't believe it's been about a month since my last Favorite's post! Life has kind of gotten away from me in the last month. June was busy!! I have been working on a huge children's book project that just wrapped up this week. Finally! But any way, beyond has been pretty awesome. I've got tons to share and am extremely excited for you guys to see. But, for the moment...I've brought you a ton of cute things from the internet to oogle at. This week's favorites are very natural, with a broad spectrum of earth tones. I've been thinking a lot about color the past few weeks as I choose fabrics for an upcoming shop update. EEk! So excited!! 

Anyhoozle...don't forget to check out the links down at the bottom. And, something new...I've decided to include a few of my recently 'favorited' items on Etsy. There's so many good shops on there (like me! jk!!) and I love searching thru everyone's shops and seeing all the stunning handmade works. Like a virtual handmade mall! 

What have you guys been into this week? 

See anything awesome this week on the internet? Write a blog post you think I'd like? 
Share in the comments down below!! 

xo. holly erinn 

these beautiful ceramics


Weekly Etsy Picks

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