Monday, February 1, 2016

Weekly Update no. 5


Hello friends, 

This week has been rather quiet.....again. Seems like this winter I've become a bit of a homebody, maybe more so than years past. There's been tons of sewing, kitten snuggling, and daydreaming this week. There's also been copious amounts of coffee drinking, and long periods of boyfriends cuddling. I finally was able to get out to Pat Catan's to spend the gift card my dad got me for my birthday this year. And, the vast majority of it was spent on felt and trimmings for dolls. This week alone, I have started 3 new dolls and 1 small stuffed elephant that I'll be embroidering to look like one of the gorgeous painted elephants from India. I even snagged a new sketchbook while I was out. It seems like when I get to the last 10-15 pages of a sketchbook, I no longer want to draw in it. It's a really weird thing, I know but that's how I've always been. So over the years, I have acquired mountains of sketchbooks that are only 3/4's of the way full. 

I don't think I've told you guys much about my job, mostly because I can't. The HIPPA laws prevent me from talking much and giving any sort of detail. But, I can tell you that I work with adults with special needs in a group home setting. That's really all the detail I can give without violating any laws. I work with a few individuals on a regular basis and am stationed in one house, full time, so I have come to know these folks very well. On occasion, if desperately needed, they can ship me off to another house with a whole new group of folks. That happened this week. And, it was very weird. Working with folks with special needs is interesting because you get to know how that person ticks; why they get upset, why certain actions lead to certain behaviors. So when you're thrown into a new setting, where you have no idea how those folks are going to act- it can be a bit nerve-wracking. Thankfully, my experience was a pleasant one. The folks I worked with were very kind and sweet people, and the day was nice and quiet. But, it was the idea of not knowing exactly what would happen, or how they would act towards me that made my anxiety go through the roof! It wasn't a terrible day, but it sure did drive me a little insane with all my worrying. 

This week has also been a week full of blog planning, and dreaming! I've been talking with a fellow Pittsburgh blogger on an upcoming collaboration we'll be working on later this month, that should premiere some time in late February/ early March. I've very excited about it, and hopefully it's crazy amazing- I can't wait to share it with all of you!! I've also been thinking a bunch about the future of Happinessbrand, where I'd like to take it, and the future focus of my brand. I'm learning that I do too much, and really should be focusing on fewer things with greater precision. 2016 is the year of focus! In addition to all the Happinessbrand day dreaming and planning this week has brought, I've also figured out what I'm going to be making for Bry for Valentine's day. I'm not going to spill the beans right now, because (on rare occasion) Bryan actually reads this blog. Hopefully, I can accomplish this cutesy little goal by the 14th, and soon after- share with you! Are you guys making anything fun for your honey on Valentine's? 

As quiet as this week has (actually) been, it's been quite the noisey few days in my head! This time of year always has me in a whirlwind of thoughts and planning. Something about the changing of the seasons always gets my creative juices flowing. What have you guys been up to this week???

xoxo. Holly Erinn 

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