Wednesday, February 3, 2016

10 Ways to Keep Your Blog Organized


Hello friends, 

Today, I wanted to share with you 10 ways I keep myself organized while blogging and planning my blog content. These are very simple, very attainable ideas for even the newest bloggers! Now, granted I have never been the most organized blogger...taking a few breaks from blogging here and there over the years. But, last year into this year I have focused my writing and creation of blog content and have really gotten into a groove. I wanted to share my little blog habits and tricks that keep my head a float! Let's get started!!! 


1. Get a calendar: get yourself a monthly calendar with a notes section in the back. That way you have all your ideas and you can see your entire blog month at a glance. 

2. Make an editorial calendar: plan out your month with writing days and post days to keep things straight. This will give you tasks for each day instead of just guessing and rushing to post things at random. 

3.Write down every idea: keep a list of all your blog ideas, and write down never know when that idea may come in handy! 

4. Make a million lists: make lists about your post ideas, the things you need for your blog, the things you want to research, the blogs you want to read...make lists about everything! Not only will it get your brain working, but it's also great to look back on when your experiencing writer's block. 


5. Color categorize everything: This will help you with visability on your calendar. When things are different colors it is easier  for you to check at a glance what that day's tasks are, and lends itself to a prettier set up too! 

6. Schedule writing days and post days: separating the days you write and the days you post will not only keep you sane but it also leaves you time to edit and leaves you wiggle room if life gets in the way. 


7. Use scheduled posting via your blog platform: Nothing says organized quite like a gorgeous lineup of scheduled posts! Keeping up on your writing a few days in advance will keep your mind at ease and allows you to stay consistent with your posting. Random posts here and there are not the ideal blogging experience for you or your readers. 


8. Use Pinterest AND Flickr: These two sites are godsends! Flickr allows you to organized and store all your original photos and Pinterest is a blogger's best friend for finding new ideas, tutorials, and great articles on blogging.....and so so so much more! And the best part is that they're both totally free! 


9. Write down notes for your content: Most blogs have great photos, that's basically rule number 1 in the blog world. But, so many blogs don't take the time to write good copy. When your planning your posts, take notes on what you want to say before you even start typing. This gives you bullet points on what to talk about so you stay on topic, and also allows you to remember everything you wanted to say. 

10. Take on only what you can handle: There's nothing else that can kill a good blog, and a good groove that a good burnout. I've done this to myself a few times over the get into a good groove, you start taking on more than you can chew, and you end up giving up and stepping away from what once was a really good thing. You have to know your limits, what you can handle and what you can't....and when to say enough.

I hope these little tips help you in organizing your blog writing and creation a little more. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions...please feel welcome to comment down below! How do you guys keep your blogs organized? I'd love to hear from you!!! 

xoxo. Holly Erinn

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