Monday, February 15, 2016

Weekly Update no.7


Hello friends, 

This week was the week of self care! I've really been trying to keep up with my goal of taking better care of myself. I'm doing my best to eat better, make better health choices, spend time with my people, and put forth a bit more effort into looking my best. When I look good, I feel good! Makeup is kind of magic in that way. I lot of people out there think makeup is used to cover up and hide. But, there's also a lot of people out there that use makeup as a form of self expression, and to make them feel their best. Nothing makes me feel nicer than when my eyebrows are well done and groomed. 

We also celebrated our little one's 8th birthday this week with a trip to Chuck E. Cheese. Grammy and Grandpa where there; along with Uncle David, his dad and I. Little man had such a good time running around collecting tickets and playing games with some of his favorite grown-ups. He's getting so big now, I just want to press pause on the clock and keep him little forever! It's so much fun to watch him grow into a full human.  Since I worked on Sunday, Bryan and I celebrated Valentine's Day on Thursday while we were both off. Our schedules are so screwy and don't match up all that well; so we celebrate when we have the time. He and I had a wonderful meal and some really tasty margaritas at Mad Mex, and went to the mall. It was nothing outlandish, but it was perfect for us. We're not fussy people. I just want to be near him; that's the best gift he can give me. He bought a big thing of chocolates from the Chocolate Moonshine Company. They're a local company right out of Pennsylvania that makes hand painted artisan chocolates that are beyond compare. These little beauties are to die for!! Bry and I also stopped in one of our favorite stores, Lush Cosmetics. I found two new products that I'm just loving so far. Usually, we just buy the bath bombs (which he and Landon both bought one) and the hand soup (Bry got one of those too), but this time I decided to try a few of their face products. I've always had difficulty with face washes and my acne. Some things don't work at all, and some things are just too harsh for my delicate Irish skin. So far, the combination of their Dark Angels black sugar cleanser and their Grease Lightning tea trees cleansing gel are working miracles on my skin.....and I've only been using it for 2 or 3 days. 

It's been a pretty solid week this week. And, it went by in the blink of an eye. But, it's been a fun week! My second set of extensions from Cutie Chocolate finally came in and I wore them out on our Valentine's date. Thankfully, no one called me out on my fake I'm guessing it looked pretty natural (hooray!!). And, if you were wondering what's up with all those pictures of flowers with their names...I'm working on a new tattoo for myself. All those flowers are native to Pennsylvania. My last few tattoos are very symbolic and meaningful to me, all the flowers on my forearm have meanings. Maybe one of these days I'll do a post about it. Is that something you guys would like to see? 

Well, I hope you all had a wonderful week, and a very loving Valentine's Day! Did you guys write about your week? I'd love to read about it. Leave me links down in the comments!! 

xoxo. Holly Erinn 

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