Tuesday, February 16, 2016

10 Ways to Manage Stress at Work


Hello friends,

Today's post is all about stress, well, getting rid of it at work at least. Work stress, in my opinion is some of the most frustrating stress there is. You know you have to go to work, you've got bills to pay, but some times it's very difficult to get through the day. My big girl job is working in a home taking care of folks with special needs. This job can easily go from zero stress to 100% stressful is less than a fraction of a second, and unlike 'normal' jobs....I can't show my frustration on the job. If I were to explode from my stress while on the clock it could easily escalate the situation, or worse-hurt some one's feelings. I work with very emotionally delicate folks, and there's a fine line that divides 'work' and just being a good caretaker.

I've comprised 10 simple ways to destress either at work or off the clock when work starts to cross over into home life. These are very simple suggestions to take your mind off of what's stressing you out, and ways to quickly and easily overcome your stresser. Now, for if nothing more than honesty and clarity; I am not a medical professional. These are just ways that I have learned personally over the years that work for me. Not everything in this list is going to work for everyone. Also, I would like to note that sometimes incredible amounts of stress at work can be a sign that is time to move on. Some times environments just aren't for you. I quit a few jobs over the years because it just wasn't a good fit. As much as you try, somethings just aren't going to work. But, put forth great effort into managing it before you give up and move on. And that's where this list comes in. This is your 'effort' right here, folks! Let's get into it!

1. Separate work from home: when you walk in the door after work, leave all that stuff behind. Don't let stress at work to affect how you treat and react to your loved ones at home. Talk about it for a little bit to get things off your chest, and then let that shit go! Taking out your frustrations out on your family is no way to spend your precious hours at home.

2. Breathing and counting techniques: this may sounds silly, but counting and breathing techniques really do work to take you out of a stressful situation and reground yourself. Take a few deep breaths, put your finger on your nose, and count to ten in your head. The putting your finger on your nose part gives you something physical to focus on, the deep breaths bring down your heart rate and calm you, and the counting gives your mind something to focus on other than what it causing you stress.

3. Remember why you're working: Are you working to support yourself, or your family? Are you working for a bigger cause? What gets you out of bed in the morning, and what keeps you on your grind? Have a goal and give yourself something to work for. It'll give you perspective in times of stress when you look at the bigger picture.

4. Find a hobby: This one is my person favorite. Get yourself a hobby! When your hands have something to do; your mind is able to relax and you don't have to focus on the stresser. Simple, mindless tasks or activities are a great way to lose yourself in something physical. A lot of the time, when I'm working a craft, my mind will float of and I'll have the weirdest thoughts....and I'll completely forget why I was upset in the first place.

5. Talk about it: Stress is like a pressure gauge. It'll build up, and build up, and eventually explodes. So, to keep it from exploding; release the pressure-find someone to talk to before it gets to bad. Seeking comfort and support is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength and self awareness. It's a sign that you know your limits and know when to ask for help. That's why we have friends and family. They're there to help take care of some of that pressure, as you are their to help them with the same.

6. Get some air- go for a walk: Go outside for a moment and get some fresh air. Clear your head with a few deep breaths and take in all that nature has to offer. Listen to the wind, and get lost in the simplicity of the natural world. There's something very meditative about just taking a moment to breathe in some fresh air and let the outdoors calm you.

7. Write it down: Writing down what's stressing you gets in out of your head and down onto paper-yet again giving you a bit of perspective. After I write down the shit that's been getting to me and I give myself a bit of time, reading it again makes it not seem as bad. You're able to step back a bit from your emotions.

8. Take care of yourself: Simple self care yields great results. Making yourself feel better with a new hair cut, or a regular yoga class can do world of good. Even something as simple as getting yourself your favorite snack in a time of extreme stress can help. Wash your face, brush your teeth, and clean yourself up every morning. Simple things to keep your body feeling good will keep your mind feeling good too!

9. Splurge on something: Every now and then it's totally ok to splurge a little and get something to make you smile. Are you a crafter? Buy a new craft material and start a new project. Like chocolate? Get that big bar that you've been eye-balling. Got a thing for dresses? Go out and snag a new dress to make you feel pretty! The down fall of splurging is when it's taken overboard, then it because just another stresser. So watch your spending, but don't deprive yourself of the simple pleasure of material goods here and there.

10. Get in some quick exercise: In the spirit of honesty, this is totally not my favorite thing in the world, but it totally works. Do 10 squats and see how good you feel about yourself and how less you care about what was stressing you out a minute ago. Science has proven that exercise can increase your endorphins which can increase your mood, lowering your stress level and blood pressure. In general, exercise is all around good for you.

I hope these simple tips help you out at work! Hopefully, something on this list helps take a way a bit of stress and allows you to relax a bit more. If you have any suggestions or other ways to help with stress, I'd love to hear them. Leave me your suggestions down below. How do you manage stress at work?

xoxo. Holly Erinn

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