Monday, December 15, 2014

Life Post: Finding Peace with Depression Pt.1

Hello friends! 

Today, I'd like to touch on the subject of anxiety and depression. I've talked about it before in this post, when I finally came clean about how I was actually feeling. Well, it's been a few months since then, and since I started taking medications to counteract those feelings. I can't say everything is sunshine and rainbows all day, everyday, because it's just not. That's not realistic, and that's just not how life works. But, I will tell you that I'm feeling a thousand times better than I did. Lately, I feel like I'm starting to figure out what I want, and starting to dream up ways to achieve those goals. But, my first and foremost goal is always to be happy. 

Being happy, above all else, is what pushes me forward in life. I need to find that happiness in whatever form it wants to present itself. I've made it a goal of mine to actively search that out. Though, dealing with depression and on top of that anxiety, it some times becomes quite the task. There are days when I just don't want to get out of bed, and then there are day when I actually just don't. It's a tricky thing, this depression. Life is much more interesting than my bed...most days. And then there are other days that a comfy chair, a good sketch book, and a snuggling cat is all I could ever ask for. It's much of a coin toss for me most days. But that really doesn't sit well with the "real world"....I'm sure you've all heard that old line "life goes on"! I know I've said it myself a hundred times in a hundred different situations. It truly does though, and unless you've got a better idea, you've got to get out of bed and go to work! Some days that feel impossible though, and it seems like the world is literally going to crush your shoulders with all the weigh of your anxiety pressing down on you. I get it. But, you've got to get up. How?

I'm not saying the next few things I'm about to share are going to work for everyone, but they work for me. Maybe they'll work for you too. I'm in no way a doctor, or a licensed therapist. I'm just a woman dealing with her own depression in her own way. 

Looking a little r p ugh this morning for my work meeting but meh whatever. I'm not trying to impress anyone there hahaha! Also I just wanted to say that I'm totally for no makeup on a daily basis. It's actually quite rare that I wear a full face of makeu 1. Indulge a litle.

    This is a tricky one. If you indulge too much things of course can get out of hand very quickly, but something small here and there as a pick-me-up is perfectly fine. Just don't break the bank! Like for example, one of the things that really comforts me in the mornings on my long, traffic filled commutes is a nice warm cup of coffee. Even if I made it from home, the warmth and sweetness is just enough to lift my spirits a little each morning. 

2. Keep a journal.

   This is an oldie, but a goodie for good cause. I don't know why, but this really seems to help me. If I'm having a particularly difficult time, I'll find a quite corner and write it all out. It feels like a great release, like a river rushing over giant falls. Dramatic, I know, but it totally works for me. I also like to keep a journal, specifically because I generally never write about positive things. I like to look back a year or two from when I had written it, and see how things have changed. It's nice to have a concrete record of things to prove to yourself that things have gotten better. 

3. Get in touch with nature.

    This one is a great one! Though, at the moment in Pittsburgh it's pretty cold out. Nature is a great way to loose yourself for a moment and focus on something much greater than yourself. A lot of the time, anxiety and depression can spiral out of control and your thoughts can really start to consume you. Taking a walk through the woods, taking a moment to gaze out a window, or taking a slow ride in the car can really get you out of that moment so you can even out. There's really something relaxing and spiritual about a moment with mother nature.

This outfit is work appropriate,  right? Hahaa only if you're going to yoga. Which I should be a decent day.   #yoga #ootd #motd #lotd #potd #fbloggers #styleblogger #instablogger #bbloggers #instafashion #bohofashion #witch #witchy #pastelgoth

4. Find a yoga class.

    I'm sure you've got a least one friends that has come to you flipping out about how awesome yoga is, and how you totally need to go! She's right. I never thought stretching in a dark room with a bunch of strangers could be a spiritually rewarding as it was. But, it was. Seriously. I can't really afford one of those excellent, fancy, paid-for yoga classes. So, I actually found one at my local library for free. Yes, my dearest friends, FREE! The city of Pittsburgh, especially, has several opportunities for a spectacular activity that won't cost you a penny! The Carnegie Library system is a great one. They have tons of events, classes, and resources. Get out there and do something different. A yoga class is a great, stress free activity that you can do without the pressure of intense social interaction. 


5. Make a nest.

   Some people call it their sacred space, quiet space, or just a corner in the room that you find peaceful. For me, it's my office. It's in a whole separate room from mine and Bryan's bedroom, and it's a place I can go to chill out when things get too crazy. It has all my favorite things in there, photos of my loved ones, and things to keep me occupied and entertained. It's a calm place that I've found myself going to when I need a moment or just some tranquility. Find a place in your home that you can place things that you find comforting, a place that you can go to decompress. Some times the best medicine is a moment of quiet.

I hope this was helpful, even just a little. Again, these are just things that I do to comfort myself when I'm having a moment. They may not work for you, you may find them silly, and that's ok! Everyone copes differently, and heals at their own pace. I'm taking one day at a time, and doing my best to focus on what's good in life. And, that's a big one! I'll be writing more about this later. I didn't want to overwhelm you guys with information, and ramblings so I figured I would break it up. If you guys have any little tricks you do, let me know! Let's start a positive conversation about this. Comment down below and let's connect!
xo. holly erinn

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