Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Juke Box: Adriana Grande

Hello Friends,

Ya know, there's probably people out there that are questioning my choice of this song right now. It's so poppy and so bubblegum it's scary. BUT I LOVE IT. She's like a little Mariah Carey, and not the Glitter Mariah, the Honey Mariah. And I could listen to this on repeat for a week! Every once in a while we need some bubble gum pop, rock gets too serious some times. Loosen up, folks! Let's have some fun!!



Monday, January 27, 2014

Random Post: Just My Luck

bad luck

bad luck by holly-erinn featuring ALDO

Hello Friends, 

The above polyvore has literally nothing to do with this post. Honestly, it was just a way for me to chill the F' out after getting home today. Today was a shit storm. Well....not really, just one of the first stressful days I've had in a bit and it threw me off guard with its tremendous shittiness. So this past weekend, I rented one of the big beautiful Canon 60D's from school. Yup, slipped on ice yesterday, and shattered....yes, shattered the lens. Fuck. Like, seriously life, you couldn't just leave me alone for like a month???  Now, until further notice, I am not allowed to rent out any more camera. I am supposed to be having a shoot this weekend, and now am scrambling around trying to figure out how I'm going to do this. Any body go a decent camera they'd like to lend me? haha! Oooh man....So...

This morning, I took the ever-so-sad shattered lens back to my teacher, bawled my eyes out to her (thank god she's a saint and understood), and then calmly when back up to work. Only to have the fire alarms go off not more than an hour or so later. The school was on fire. I kid you not. Something to do with the insulation catching fire, and something to do with the electrical system. They're all so cryptic up there. I dunno. 

Soooo....that took up 2ish hours of the morning and then they finally let us back in the building. Now because I don't hate my job like every one else, I decided to sick around for a few more hours since my first class got cancelled. I was like "hell yea, more money!" and life was like "ah hell's some chest pain due to smoke inhalation". Thanks, rock. 

Blah. Then I went home, skipped my second class of the day to just come home and attempt to breathe without feeling like I just ran up 100 stairs. Anyway, my rant is over. I'm home and snuggley. Bryan is playing video games in the same room while I type this out and I feel a lot better. The rest of this quarter is going to be a bit of a struggle. But its nothing I haven't muddled thru before. Wish me luck and clearer skies, folks! 


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Random Post: Creepin'

Hello Friends,

Just popping in to say hi and share a picture I found when creeping on Bryan's mom's facebook page. Yea whatever, judge if you will. Hhaha! This one from a party that we went to on The Day of the Dead, since none of our friends were actually free on Halloween. So, we improvise. It turned out well, I think. Do you guys ever come across awesome photos of yourself on other peoples facebooks? Friends, tag your friends in awesome photos!! haha!



Thursday, January 23, 2014

Random Post: A Little Update

Hello Friends, 

Just popping in to say hi and explain all the crazy standard posts lately. I wrote a bunch on the recent break between quarters, since I figured (and I was right) that I would be busy once school started back up. Who woulda thought college would consume my life, right? ha! 

Any ways, folks, I'm working (slowly) on some new illustration projects. And, as the quarter progresses, I'll have a good bit of design work to share as well! So hang in there everybody, listen to the awesome tunes that I've gathered up for you. Because, I swear, they are good tunes!! I'm so excited for this quarter. Here's my classes this quarter. 

  • Senior Project: creating out design (and illustration) portfolio website
  • Multi-Page Documents: exactly what the name says. I'm making a catalog
  • Portfolio 2: a continuation of last quarter's class, developing and polishing our portfolios
  • Leadership Principles: dunno. I'll let you know after tomorrow :P
Well, that's all I've got for today. I'll be back soon with arts stuffs and junk. Ya know, spring is just around the corner. My fingers are getting itchy for crafty stuff. A DIY, perhaps?? Who knows! 



Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Girl Crush: Lana

Hello Friends, 

I'm sure today's post is no surprise to you. I'm hella head over heals in heavenly, heavenly love with Lana Del Rey. And I'm sure the majority of you are too. If not, what's wrong with you, have you been living under a rock?! 

She's so perfect. At least, I think so. I've heard a lot of crap from people saying she's too over produced or she's fake and that's annoying. Keep your hateraid, people. She's a goddess in my book. 

I tried to find a good interview with her, one with video. But alas, I was unsuccessful. Blargh. But everything that I've seen her speak in and especially that ride video, the poem at the beginning, leads me to believe she's a nice lady. I also live with rose-colored glasses on 24/7. But whatev's. 

She's lovely, though. Her style is so wonderful. She's a mix of vintage and biker babe with a bit of boho in the mix for fun. Her style is everything I've ever wanted in a wardrobe. And holy smokes, that hair. If there were ever a head of hair to covet, this is that head. I've heard a ton of shit about her getting lip injections too, but seriously who gives a fuck? If that's what she needed to do for herself, that's what she needed. I think she's fantastic either way. 

And then there's her voice....oh my. I don't know if I'm going to be able to describe this correctly. It's so smooth and so sultry. She reminds me of a Bond Girl. Le sigh....She's elegant, sexy, and a bit of a mystery. That's just down right cool. She's definitely worthy of a crush.



Monday, January 20, 2014

Random Post: Sketch Dump

Hello Friends!! 

Just a dump of my sketches from the past few weeks. I really can't say the exact dates...not like that even matters hahah! Whatcha think? 


Friday, January 17, 2014

Random Post: Cabin Fever and No Snow

Hello Friends, 

Cabin Fever. Yup generally thought of as a bad thing, but today...not so much. I love log cabins and the idea of living in the woods (or even just visiting for a while) makes me happy! The earth child in me longs for coffee over looking a forest and snuggley socks next to a fire with my honey. :) 

Here's a collection of photos that gives me those warm and fuzzies. Which is pretty rare on these cold Pittsburgh days. Here's to dreaming of cozy fires and warm snuggles. 

Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever by holly-erinn featuring wedge shoes

And just for fun! I've reestablished a Polyvore account. Here's a collection of warm and cozy things to wear on our daydream vacation to the woods! 



Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Juke Box: Icona Pop

Hello Friends,

I know you've heard this song. It's been in a dozen commercials and all over the airwaves. But for serious, it's all for good reason. This song is so fucking spunky and it makes me just want to grab the nearest tutu and lolipop and rave my face off! It's crazy fun. Give it another try, just one more listen. Turn those speakers up and bounce around. I'm sure you need it too!



Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Random Post: Modcloth Dress Wishlist

Hello Friends, 

So, today I have a collection of 10 ModCloth dresses that I've been drooling over for a while now. We all love ModCloth, let's all just get that out of the way! haha! Anyways, enjoy the drool-worthy dresses just perfect for Spring.

1. is just darling. the flower is so delicate and cute! 
2. is the perfect shade of grey. Grey is my favorite and this dress would be a staple in my wardrobe.
3. is so inspirational. I can imagine many cups of tea being drank with my Bryan in this dress :D
4. is perfect. that shade of yellow is spot on, and the pattern is simply stunning. 
5. is super cute! the cottage and whimsical feel of this one is just my style! 

7. is the perfect shade of pink! makes me think of candies and hand-spun cotton candy. 
8. is one of my favorite colors of late. it's everywhere and i don't mind at all! 
9. would be the perfect dress for a birthday party or a tea party. it just screams "have fun in me!" 
10. looks like a notebook that i have. I want to wear this dress and doodle in that notebook and just look perfect and matchy all day long! 

well, I hope you guys love these dresses as much as I do! What colors are you dying to wear for spring?? Got any cool dresses your itching to wear? Send me links, yo! 



Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Random Post: Time for a change

Hello Friends, 

I dyed my hair back in... October...maybe September? Well, let's just say it's been a while since I've done anything with my hair, with the exception of cutting my bangs (myself) recently. I think they turned out well. Any ways, it's time for a change. My hair is ick. And I need something fancy for spring! Yea, yea... I know spring is a pretty far away, but whatev's I'm a planner. 

These are options I'm kind of considering. Maybe, something with blonde and a light red. I really like the above photo though. That dark color fading into the lighter red is pretty dreamy and her bangs are perfect. But holy hottness, the blonde into bright red! 

I can't decide. 

My hair has generally been something along the lines of the photo above for the past few years. I had never dyed my whole head until this past fall. My mother is probably rolling in her grave...cussing. Haha! She forbade me from doing anything with my hair for the longest time. I'm a rebel, fo sho.

I really like changing my hair. It's like a breath of fresh air! I can't wait til I get some funds together and make up my mind. Maybe dark? Maybe light? I dunno, but either way it'll be a pretty drastic change! Eep! :D

UntitledApparently the only time I have to take pictures of myself seems to be when I'm in the car. #wtf #selfie #redheadUntitledUntitled

Do you guys ever get an intense itch for a crazy drastic change? I sure do...pretty much every time the seasons change! Haha! What do you guys have planned for Spring?? A wardrobe change, hair, anything? Spill your guys, what are you up to?!



Monday, January 13, 2014

Random Post: DIY Awesomeness

Hello Friends,

The closer we get to spring, the more I get twitchy for the handmade wonders of DIY's and I've been scouring the internet lately, looking for some cute ones and I think I found a few you guys may enjoy! 

The above is a photo of the lovely, Katie of Skunkboy. This DIY is perferct, and I can't wait to try it. I am constantly finding dresses at the thrift store that are just a tiny bit too small for me up in the chest area and this would be the absolute best way to fix it! She's a genius. 

The Creative Market  is one of the best resources I've come across within the past year. They have a ton of free things that come out every week or so. New fonts, fun backgrounds, and vector images of all sorts just to name a few! Not to mention, they have a ton of amazing things you (or someone like you who has money) can purchase, like blog templates and all kinds of neat stuff! I really like this site and once I can afford it, I'm sure I'll be buying something fun off here. 

Holy cuteness!! I am completely in love with this amazingly adorable indoor butterfly garden by Scathingly Brilliant! In all actuality, everything she does is just lovely! I think I'm going to try and do something like this somewhere in our room soon. It's really just too cute not too. Oh! And I just remembered, I have super glittery butterflies in my craft stash. Yup. This is totally happening. 

Here they are folks. The fairy god mothers of DIY, yes A Beautiful Mess. I know I found this a little late in the game (Christmas was...uhh...weeks ago) but this project is so stupidly simple and just so lovely it kind of hard to not love it! I don't think I'd have it say anything festive or seasonal. I would want it to stay up all year, and maybe hand above our bed on our "cool wall". I'll explain later, there's plans in the works. But for serious thou, this project is on point. I'm totally trying it this year! Stay tuned. 

SO! I really haven't updated you guys on aaaaanything that we've been up to lately...because, we haven't done...anything. For serious, school and work and the end of the quarter has consumed me life for the past month or so. And along with the holidays, we have had no life. At. All. The new year is here, next week I start my final quarter of school before I have to find an internship. Life is going to get interesting real quick. 

Bryan and I made a list of things we want to do this year, and along with my list of goals to be achieved by my next birthday (thankfully the day before the new year)....we've got a lot planned at a lot we want to do this year. This year is going to be the year we stay on point. The year we actually get some shit done! Wish us good luck, folks. Here's to a DIY year. 

We've got a few photo projects in the works and a few fun things we want to do that we're going to document. AND there's a few other things that I can't wait to work on that I can't quite tell you about yet! Squee...secret projects, anticipation of spring and a handmade start to our new year! <3



Friday, January 10, 2014

I won't sit down & I won't shut up.

Here's to still being silly and not taking life so seriously! And here's to a week off of school and work! Yahoo!!

