Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Random Post: Time for a change

Hello Friends, 

I dyed my hair back in... October...maybe September? Well, let's just say it's been a while since I've done anything with my hair, with the exception of cutting my bangs (myself) recently. I think they turned out well. Any ways, it's time for a change. My hair is ick. And I need something fancy for spring! Yea, yea... I know spring is a pretty far away, but whatev's I'm a planner. 

These are options I'm kind of considering. Maybe, something with blonde and a light red. I really like the above photo though. That dark color fading into the lighter red is pretty dreamy and her bangs are perfect. But holy hottness, the blonde into bright red! 

I can't decide. 

My hair has generally been something along the lines of the photo above for the past few years. I had never dyed my whole head until this past fall. My mother is probably rolling in her grave...cussing. Haha! She forbade me from doing anything with my hair for the longest time. I'm a rebel, fo sho.

I really like changing my hair. It's like a breath of fresh air! I can't wait til I get some funds together and make up my mind. Maybe dark? Maybe light? I dunno, but either way it'll be a pretty drastic change! Eep! :D

UntitledApparently the only time I have to take pictures of myself seems to be when I'm in the car. #wtf #selfie #redheadUntitledUntitled

Do you guys ever get an intense itch for a crazy drastic change? I sure do...pretty much every time the seasons change! Haha! What do you guys have planned for Spring?? A wardrobe change, hair, anything? Spill your guys, what are you up to?!



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