Monday, January 27, 2014

Random Post: Just My Luck

bad luck

bad luck by holly-erinn featuring ALDO

Hello Friends, 

The above polyvore has literally nothing to do with this post. Honestly, it was just a way for me to chill the F' out after getting home today. Today was a shit storm. Well....not really, just one of the first stressful days I've had in a bit and it threw me off guard with its tremendous shittiness. So this past weekend, I rented one of the big beautiful Canon 60D's from school. Yup, slipped on ice yesterday, and shattered....yes, shattered the lens. Fuck. Like, seriously life, you couldn't just leave me alone for like a month???  Now, until further notice, I am not allowed to rent out any more camera. I am supposed to be having a shoot this weekend, and now am scrambling around trying to figure out how I'm going to do this. Any body go a decent camera they'd like to lend me? haha! Oooh man....So...

This morning, I took the ever-so-sad shattered lens back to my teacher, bawled my eyes out to her (thank god she's a saint and understood), and then calmly when back up to work. Only to have the fire alarms go off not more than an hour or so later. The school was on fire. I kid you not. Something to do with the insulation catching fire, and something to do with the electrical system. They're all so cryptic up there. I dunno. 

Soooo....that took up 2ish hours of the morning and then they finally let us back in the building. Now because I don't hate my job like every one else, I decided to sick around for a few more hours since my first class got cancelled. I was like "hell yea, more money!" and life was like "ah hell's some chest pain due to smoke inhalation". Thanks, rock. 

Blah. Then I went home, skipped my second class of the day to just come home and attempt to breathe without feeling like I just ran up 100 stairs. Anyway, my rant is over. I'm home and snuggley. Bryan is playing video games in the same room while I type this out and I feel a lot better. The rest of this quarter is going to be a bit of a struggle. But its nothing I haven't muddled thru before. Wish me luck and clearer skies, folks! 


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