Friday, January 17, 2014

Random Post: Cabin Fever and No Snow

Hello Friends, 

Cabin Fever. Yup generally thought of as a bad thing, but today...not so much. I love log cabins and the idea of living in the woods (or even just visiting for a while) makes me happy! The earth child in me longs for coffee over looking a forest and snuggley socks next to a fire with my honey. :) 

Here's a collection of photos that gives me those warm and fuzzies. Which is pretty rare on these cold Pittsburgh days. Here's to dreaming of cozy fires and warm snuggles. 

Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever by holly-erinn featuring wedge shoes

And just for fun! I've reestablished a Polyvore account. Here's a collection of warm and cozy things to wear on our daydream vacation to the woods! 



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