Saturday, March 7, 2015

::Threads & Textiles:: Playing Dressup in the Backyard

Hello friends, 

Recently, my sister Amanda Jean gave me a very large garbage bag full of clothes that don't fit her anymore. I love getting hand me downs from my baby sister. She gets skinny, I get a new wardrobe! I don't mind at all. Hand me downs have been a treasured tradition between family and friends of mine. We share clothes like its going out of style! In that amazing bag of clothes I found this crazy fun skirt. It's really fun to twirl in, as you can see. I had a rare day when I got the house to myself on a warm day. So, I took advantage of it, and took some silly photos in the backyard. I didn't have anything to do on this day, but playing dress up for no reason turned out to be really really fun! We've also been cleaning out my dad's house in preparation of moving in, and I've been finding a ton of my old clothes. This flannel was one of my favorites in college. I don't know if it shrunk in the wash...or maybe I'm getting closer to 30 than I'd like to admit. It still fits, kind of. Hahah! I wish the weather would even out and get a little warmer to I can do more fun days like this. The more clothes I find at dad's house, the more I want to play dress up! C'mon warm weather!! 

xo. holly erinn 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday Favorites no.3

Hello friends, 

Hell Friday!! It's been a pretty quiet week so far. I've been working on a whole new line of products for my shop. It's been quite a while since I've updated. But, the things that I've been working on have got me pretty excited. Once it gets a little warmer (fingers crossed it's soon), I'll be able to do some really good photos shoots. Spring is looking pretty magical so far. I'm also just daydreaming a lot about spring. I just fucking love spring. Truth be told, I've been thinking a lot about colors, flowers, and patterns for spring. God damn, I need it to be spring. I feel so creative when it's warm. The girls and I have so much planned for the warmer months. I think there's at least 3 or 4 photo shoots in the works for the upcoming season. 

Today's collection of Friday Favorites is pretty fun. There's a great collection of links down at the bottom in the weekly linkage that I highly suggest you check out! I hope your week has been awesome and I hope your weekend is even better!! Did you guys write up any fun posts this week? Share them in the comments below :)

xo. holly erinn 

Weekly Linkage

Thursday, March 5, 2015

::Life Post:: Finding Peace with Depression pt.2

Hello friends, 

It's been a while since we've talked about depression. My first post was a great post for me. It got me to look closer at how I deal with my own depression, and the simple ways I've learned to cope. It's taken me a long time to be honest with myself about my depression, and to find good ways to take care of myself. My mental health comes first for me now. And, over the years I've learned that it is very important to take care of one's mind, and the rest becomes much easier to handle. I am glad to report that there have been more good days than bad of recent. That is a such a welcome treat. As you begin to know yourself, and ways to heal yourself it becomes easier to figure out the ways to have good days. These simple distractions become aids to the good days. 

Of course, as I've said in the past...these tips, tricks, or what have you may not work for everyone. These are things that I do to calm myself. I am in no way a therapist, doctor, or counselor but I personally handle a life with depression. Everyone's life is different and and everyone's depression is different. Get to know yourself, and you'll start to understand what works for you. Positive self reflection is key. 

Take a Walk

The above photo is from last spring. The warm weather just calls to me. Bryan and I love taking walks around the neighborhood with the kiddo. Bryan takes photos, and Landon and I chase each other and play on the jungle gym. And, then there's day when I love taking walks on my own. Something about slowly strolling around the streets that you see everyday in a new perspective is really eyeopening. The gentle sounds of neighborhood cars, the kids playing up the street, and other simple sounds of the city are actually pretty calming. It's a pretty common notion that 'going for a walk' is a great way to clear your head. When things get a little to over whelming, throw on those shoes and walk around the block a few times. 

Sharp pencils are happy pencils. Working on a secret project. Can't wait til Saturday to reveal it! :D XOXO Holly  #secretproject #summer #art #illustration #fbloggers #lbloggers #beauty #hippie #lifestyleblogger #fatshion #plussize #curvy #summerstyle #i

Get Crafty- Find a Hobby

Nothing is better (to me) than losing yourself in a craft, or hobby. Some people read, some people write, and some people knit. I have so many hobbies,and sometimes it's a little hard to keep them all straight. I also get bored very easily. It's very calming to lose yourself in the monotony and the repetitiveness of crafty, and artistry. And, there's so many crafts to choose from, an endless array of handmade goodness. From drawing to crocheting to clay to scrap booking, as far as the eye can see! Sit in a quiet place, or in front of the TV; it's a good way to occupy your mind and focus on something other than what is going on in your depression. 

This outfit is work appropriate,  right? Hahaa only if you're going to yoga. Which I should be a decent day.   #yoga #ootd #motd #lotd #potd #fbloggers #styleblogger #instablogger #bbloggers #instafashion #bohofashion #witch #witchy #pastelgoth

Try Meditation or Yoga

Let's talk about training your mind to ignore the bad thoughts....this is where that shit originated! I used to meditate when I was really young, nothing serious of course. But, it really used to calm me. I went through a lot of trauma in my early years due to several family deaths very close to each other. Through all of it, I found ways to calm myself, and I found myself meditating. In my later years, I have found yoga. And, although I don't get to go as often as I would like, I fucking love yoga. The class I go to is so chill and the lady's voice is so calming. Every time I step out of that class, I feel lighter and better with the world. Except that one time my car got towed....but that's another story hahah! 


Find a Friend & Talk It Out

During some of the hardest times in my life I was not physically able to face them alone. Fear, or something else kept me from being able to be brave. And then, there are other moments in my life where the pressure of the situation is so devastating that I can't keep it in, and it's about to explode out of me like lightening. During these times in my life, I need other people. And as much as I don't want to admit it sometimes, I am not able to stand on my own all the time. I have a network of friends and family that I have built over the years that are very close to me. I depend on them, and they can count on me. I may disappear from society from time to time to clear my head. But, in the moments where they really need me, I come running. Some of the most healing moments in my life have been the ones where my mascara is streaming down my face, Amanda Jean is crying just as ugly as I am, and the truth comes out. You need people to heal. You need people to heal. You need people to heal. 

I'm fan-girling a little hard right now. One of my favorite handmade shoppes liked 2 of my photos. Thank you @skylinefever ♡♡♡

Get Into Social Media & It's Amazing Community

Everyone is on social media nowadays. Well, mostly dad refuses to get into it at all. He's good with Ebay and Google, but everything else is evil! But, for everyone else that doesn't think social media is the devil it can be a great resource for support and community. I've recently been dipping my toes into depression and anxiety communities on Twitter, and certain Blogs. Just like I'm writing this for you guys now, there's so many resources out there for us to heal. Depression is one of the highest diagnosed illnesses in America today. Which sounds like a terrible statistic, but the way I look at it-that's just a bigger group of folks to relate to and befriend. Beyond that, social media is a great self esteem boost. As shallow as it sounds, and as messed up as some folks may think it is; the instant gratification and boost feels great! Those little notifications that pop up in the top bar of my phone are great for my mood. I know that you shouldn't put much stock into all of that, but it does feel good. Your self esteem shouldn't be built on 'likes', but in the moment they feel wonderful. It's a nice little pick me up every once in a while. It's nice to see people admiring your work or photos. 

I hope this post gave you a few more ideas on how to cope with your depression, or at least opened your mind to different ways to cope. Some of these tips may not work for everyone, but you can see where I'm going with this. Find things in your life that are simple, distract you from the dark thoughts, and are free/cheap. The free/cheap is a big part of it. Money can bring on a lot of guilt and increase anxieties and make depression worse. Free is always better! Do you guys ever use these tips to self calm, or so you have other ways? I would love to hear about them, and open up a conversation about this subject!! Feel free to leave comments, questions, or stories below! 

xo. holly erinn 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

::Life Lately:: February in Photos


Hello friends,

It's been a while since I did one of these. I love looking back into the photos of the last month, and putting them together. Bryan and I were sitting at the kitchen table the other night looking through his Instagram account, and it hit me....the blog, our insta accounts,'s all our modern scrapbook. It really struck me, and gave me the warm and fuzzies. Just another excuse to keep taking photos, I guess. Well anyway, here's late January thru February in photos.

The above photo is of the cutest little kitty that adopted us. She came out of nowhere, and now she lives in our house. Daisy May is the sweetest little formerly homeless kitty.

Landon got a WiiU for Christmas this year...he does not enjoy anything else in life hahah! 

There's been a lot of photo taking, drink drinking, and laughs!

There's also been a lot of coffee, conversations, and pie! Isn't my beardy Bryan so cute?!

I've also had the pleasure of watching these little squirts a few times too. I love the crap out of them!

My sister Amanda and I got to do some makeup together for a play at our highschool.

I got to watch my niece, Alice get baptized. I cried...her mother sang...I cried some more. I was a mess.

There's been a lot of snow lately in Pittsburgh....

Like... a lot of snow!

And below, is a little round up of some photos from my insta account from recently! There's been a lot of art and jewelry making this month. I'm preparing for spring/summer. The start of 2015 has been pretty interesting, and rather exciting! I'm stoked to see where things go in the coming months.

xo. holly erinn

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

::Random Post:: New Moon in Pisces

Hello friends, 

I've always been a sucker for astrology, and can't pass up a great reading for my sign. I came across this excellent one this week on the Bohemian Collective Blog that I just had to share. There's a great one for each sign. But, I feel like mine was crazy on...

CAPRICORN:: Whoa.  So this is the full on activation of WAKING you to something you have that you are here to be sharing with others.  This is powerful medicine sort of stuff.  It may be a book, or something you have written. It may be artwork, or something you are creating with your hands. It may also be healing abilities that you are able to do with your hands and even your mind, such as with distance healing. But for sure, know that it is THE BOMB and so very powerful and worthwhile.  The planets are aligning to say, let go of the fear and the doubt and the message of others who have criticized you in your past or put pressure on you to follow a path that maybe didn’t feel like your own. This does involve shifting something that is part of your shadow and part of something that is a wound that may relate to trusting spirit.  But seriously, you are golden with this thing and it is going to grow like WILD FIRE.  There may still be a process of unfoldment, but what is on your mind, is oh so valuable and something that will have the ability to grow far and wide in ways that you cant even really imagine right now. But that is not important, not really. You just need to look closely and honor how it is your THOUGHTS of self and what you can really do that have been changing with this Mercury Retrograde and it is focused on your creative gifts and how you really DO need to feel proud of the skills that only you possess.  You are a diamond in the rough… but your clarity is really starting to shine. Move forward on all things that you can share with the world that come from your heart and that relate to power, depth, mystical things, and with making this world a better place to call our own.

Go check out yours now!! 
xo. holly erinn