Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday Favorites no.2

Hello friends,

Here I am once again with your weekly dosage of internet goodness! This week is colorful, bright, and full of fun. The closer we get to spring, the more excited I get for bright colors and fun, quick DIY's! This week has been kind of quiet around here, but I've been working hard on some illustration projects. I've also made a stop at the Intergalactic Bead Show this past weekend. That means I've got a lot of work to do, and tons to share with you guys in the coming weeks. EEkkkk! I'm just so fucking stoked on what I got. Anyhooozle...this week's favorites are sure to inspire some happy thoughts!!

xo. holly erinn 

Weekly Linkage 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

::Random Post:: An Open Talk about Female Body Hair

Hello friends, 

I posted the above photo to my instagram a few days ago, and it sparked up a conversation with a stranger that really started a fire in my belly. In the top right shot of me with my arms up, you can clearly see I haven't shaven my underarms in quite a while. It's not something I did conscientiously, but honestly came out of laziness and lack of effort to deal with it. The more I thought about it, the more I started to question why I even cared about shaving in the first place. Bryan doesn't say anything, and the times that I have asked him, he's said he doesn't mind it. Truth be told I haven't shaved my legs in quite a while either. He still touches me, and has yet to exile me into the streets. Woah. 

And, then this below photo is the conversation from the comments on this photo. I was so excited when this girl started talking to me about the subject, and initially I was hoping she'd continue and have a full on, intelligent conversation with me about female body hair. I was wrong. As you read through the comments, you'll notice how quickly it fades and she shy's away from talking about it at all. I'm glad that she didn't get hostile with me, or yell at me for my beliefs or the fact that I was so quick to defend them. But, I wish she would have given reason as to why she disagreed with me. 

I've gone through period of my life, mostly after a break up, where I say 'fuck it, I'm not shaving any more!' And then I'd get a boyfriend, and I'd want to be 'pretty', and I'd give in and shave. Back and forth, back and forth. Over the years, I've become one of those stereotypical hippie feminist pieces of crap that everyone hates...for some reason. Being natural, allowing my hair to grown and dread naturally, and making choices that feel natural to me have become the way I guide my life. I'm doing my best to muddle through my 20's in a way that will make me proud when I'm 70. To live with my passions, and beliefs in mind, and doing my best to not let others influence that. 

Though, the more I started digging into this, talking to my friends, and looking around on the internet I found that the majority of females (and males, for that matter) are still super uncomfortable talking about it. I want to change that. Recently, I read a great post by a lady named, Roxie Hunt about her journey with feminine hair growth. I really enjoyed her take on the matter, and how allowing her hair to grow it forced her to take note of the decisions she was making for herself. Where they her own or where they based on the choices, wishes , and influence of others.

"I started to take the time to make more conscious choices. I tried not to make choices based on habit or common opinion or What I Think My Mother Would Do or what would Madonna Would Have Done In Her Like a Prayer Days. And it took mental monkey wrangling."

The more I dug through all the photos on the intertubes, I started realizing how beautiful women still are with their natural, birth given hair! Look at all these ladies. The preconceived notions that female body hair is ugly has started to fall. Women are taking back their right to decide what they find beautiful, and that's an amazing thing! Now, just to be absolutely clear...just because I am in favor of this movement, does not mean that the women that choose to shave, wear makeup, or heels are bad feminists. Feminism is about equality, and the right to choose how to live without being told how to by someone else. I believe in all women (and men!), and I believe that everyone should be able to create themselves without pressure or influence. Everyone, and I really do mean everyone, is beautiful!

So, my friends, I want to extend this conversation out to you. How do you feel about this subject? Are you in favor of this movement, do you think it's gross, or do you not even care? I want to hear about it, what ever your opinion...all opinions are right, and fine by me. I just want to keep the conversation going. Let's open up a dialog where everyone is comfortable to talk about this, and is pleasant with each other. Don't be shy, my friends. This is a safe place to talk. No judgement zone, and always a warm, open heart! Share your thoughts down below in the comments. I read every single one, and do my very best to respond. Thank you for reading this, and taking the time to be a little more open. I hope to hear from all of you!!!

xo. holly erinn 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

::Random Post:: A Trip to the Pet Store

Hello friends,

Every few months, I clean out the photos on my phone. And every once in a while, I find a few gems. When Bry and I had a spider we spent a good bit of time down at the local pet store. I took those opportunities to take lots of photos! I just wanted to share a few of my favorite shots that I found in my phone. Aren't they just adorable?! The colors that exists in the animal world are just breathtaking. These little creatures are just so full of life, and I love how each of them has a unique personality. Hopefully we make it back there soon!!

xo. holly erinn

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

::Random Post:: Appreciating Other's Art

I love these geometric deer. The colors are so wonderful.

Hello friends, 

As you know, I love art. It's been the driving force in my life since I can remember. And, the best part about loving art is getting to appreciate the community of folks out there who are crazy talented. I'm always searching for new artists to check out and nowadays with the internet as hella huge as it is...that's not hard. You guys know I've been kinda obsessed with Pinterest lately, and that's been a great resource for finding inspiring art. I'm also a huge fan of Instagram. There's a lot of insanely good talent on there. But, today I've got a handful of folks that I found on Pinterest. You can follow my art board here. Enjoy the goodness!!! 

xo. holly erinn 

I love the colors in this. And, the line work is superb. 

How cute!! 

This was the background on my phone for the longest time! 

Floppy kitties...what else do you want?!

I love this face, it's so precious.
Piggies!! They're so round an adorable. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

::Random Post:: Modern Weaving

Hello friends, 

I'm sure you've seen wall hanging, and weaving up in your grandma's house at one point or another...or maybe somebody's grandma's house. But, have you seen these modern interpretations of a classic craft? We learned very basic weaving techniques way back in elementary school, but it pales in comparison to what the folks nowadays are creating in the world of textile art. I've gathered up a few from my pinterest page that I've been drooling over lately, and just had to share! Makes you want to run to the nearest craft store and get a hundred bundles of yarn? Who's with me?!

xo. holly erinn 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday Favorites

Hello friends, 

It's been a minute since my last post. I know I've been a little M.I.A lately, but it's for good cause. I'll explain later, that's all for another post. All really good things, don't worry!! I wanted to share a little of the colorful, fun things I find on the interwebs in between working, and such. And, down at the bottom of this post you'll find several fun links to a few of the articles, videos, and posts I've been reading/watching recently. Enjoy!! 

xo. holly erinn 

This hella homey hand painted sign. I want to make one of my own :)

Weekly Linkage 

Babe Vibes: wicked group of ladies writing, painting, and photographing 
what is means to be a young woman in today's modern world. 

This stellar post about learning about your own body and what it needs versus
what society says your body needs. Very interesting take. 

An article that has been helping with a huge topic in my life right now. 

This insanely inspired dance chorographed to Hozier's "Take me to Church"...
if you haven't seen this brilliant shit yet. Prepare your eyes for greatness!! 

A little old, but still a hysterical take on Disney's "Do you wanna build a snowman".

Got an hour and a half to waste? Want to see an awful movie? Babes in Toyland is what you're lookcing for. Packed with hysterically bad acting from a very young Keanu Reeves.

This girl has some great ideas on how to keep acne out of your hairline. But, she also has an interesting condition....she has two vaginas. Yup, not even kidding. It's a real medical condition.

This lady has quite an great outlook on feminine body hair. We'll talk about this more later ;)

And, for good measure we'll end on a high note. Cats confused by waterbeds. Enjoy your weekend!!