Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Weekly Update no.11


Hello friends, 

It's been a few really crazy few days. This past week, since last we spoke, has definitely had its up's and down's. Later this week, I'll be flying to Texas to attend my eldest uncle's funeral. He passed away either this week from cancer. The whole family is doing their best to make it down and rally around each other in this dark moment. Our family may not talk as much or as often as we should, but there's never been a moment in our minds that we weren't proud to be apart of the Karnes clan. 

The beginning of the the week was a blast though! Bryan and I went to the way pool, which most of the photos above are from. We went to celebrate our dear friend Mark's birthday...even though we lost him for most of the day because it's such a huge pool! I haven't had that much fun swimming in a long time. Bryan was being the biggest goof that day, and had me cracking up the whole time. I love how silly he can be some times, my big silly bear...*le sigh*... he's also been super helpful around the house lately too! Before we moved, I'd never seen him be so handy. He's really stepped up his game since the move, and I'm really proud of him. 

I wish I could say things have settled down but things are crazy as ever around here. I've been keeping myself sane with drawing and my little fur babies. My office is slowly coming together, so I've been spending a good bit of time in there. Once I get my shelves figured out and get all my knick knacks organized, I'll give you guys a little photo tour. It's pretty cute in there so far! 

Did you post about anything cool this week? Leave me a link below! 
And, check out my Pinterest page! Let's pin together!! hhaha! 

xo. Holly Erinn 

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