Monday, June 20, 2016

Big Changes 'Round These Parts!

**this is gonna be a long one, folks**

Hello friends! 

Well, as per usual I have taken another long break from blogging. For a while, I kept wondering why I do this, why can't I keep my blog running for more than a few months...why do I get bored with my writing? I was going strong from January to March with some of my favorite posts I've ever written like the Josh Ritter appearance on the Jukebox, A Jean Vest Journey, and some of my Weekly Update posts like this.  Accidentally, I took a short break back in March that ended up being an extra long break up until now. In that time, I really sat with the idea of my blog and explored all aspects, questioning myself and my motives behind it. I did a lot of reading. There's so much to learn from our fellow bloggers, and the gals that have paved the way before us. My largest board on Pinterest is my Blogging & Business board.  I've got almost 500 pins on there that are mainly 'how to blog better' type posts. Reading about how other people found their focus and their tips on the subject really had me thinking about the path that this little corner of the internet I have here is going. 

I've been flying under the name Happinessbrand since about 2013. It was born after my first blog Order & Chaos, a blog that I ran with a few friends of mine, died. There was a lack of balance in the effort that was being put out and I basically got burned out, eventually wanting to branch out on my own. Happinessbrand was my answer to that... I was looking for happiness and I figured this would be a good place to start on creating my own. And, I did! Over the years, this brand has served me well, and I've created some things that I am EXTREMELY proud of. But as the years go on, I've grown....and I've grown out of the Happinessbrand name, and what it stood for.  I'm thankful for the years that I've had with my brand and what it has afforded me to do, but it's time for a change! 


I begin to analyze what really makes me happy, especially when it came to blogging. What sparked a passion in me, and what did not? What posts during the week did I dread writing, which posts were a pain in the ass to write? It was those fluffy curated posts that mainly came from other people's photos and posts. Everyone writes those, I why am I? Don't I have something better to offer? Don't I have something better to say? Enough with these curated, under-inspired posts...what am I doing?! I need to make some shit!! 

I've found through my personal blogging exploration that I am most excited and inspired to write when I am sharing my art, or making a craft and sharing the process! Those are the posts I love. They drive me to make things, and in a way force me to draw more...there's a reason to do things like that when I blog! That is what drives me! I'm tired of trying to blog like I'm some one else, or attempting to have a blog that, well, just isn't me. 


So, my friends, this brings me to my point...Happinessbrand is phasing out and a new identity will be rolling in. I have chosen to rebrand the blog with a new name, logo, look and feel....even the content will be a bit different. I want this blog to feel like me again. I need to stop being 'trendy' and trying to write about 'trendy' topics. I am a hippie, a bohemian, a free spirit-- and this blog does not reflect that at the moment. Recently, I've been getting back to my roots and finding out who I really am. Ideally, I want this to be a home for more thoughtful, honest content and exploding with color and art! It's taking a little longer than I would like, only because I lost all of my editing programs like Photoshop when my good computer died, but we're working around that. My brother is going to let me use his computer, and I think I'm going to get a cheap-y version just to make things work for the rebrand. Until then, the name will stay Happinessbrand and I will keep you guys up to date on the progress. I've chosen a name already, but we'll take about that in a bit. 


This rebranding will happen in stages, and I'll share each step of the process with you guys as I go along. I'll announce the new name in a separate, more official post. We recently moved and I'm currently in the process of putting together my new office, and the rest of our new home. It's mine and Bry's first home, and it's been quite the undertaking. So, things have been put on hold in a way while we get everything in order. But, I'm still working behind the scenes to plan content, and gather information and ideas. This has been in the works for a few months now, I've felt this deep urge that something wasn't right here on the blog--something just didn't fit-didn't work. And now, that I've figured that thing out...things are going to set off like a wild fire! 

You read all these posts from big bloggers that have their shit together...most of them tell you 'find your focus, find your focus'! And up until recently, I didn't think that was very important. I just figured, I could blog about anything I want at anytime and that would work. And, for a moment it did....but I couldn't keep up with it. I wasn't inspired. I didn't have the passion to continue writing like that. I was trying to be someone I'm not...we'll talk more about that later too! I've got a whole post planned on that subject. 

I've also found out through my 'trying to blog like someone else' phase that blogger burn out is a real thing, a real pain in the ass thing. I was trying to have a new post up every day, it was driving me nuts--just too much pressure. Trying to juggle a full time job, an Etsy shop, and this blog on top of attempting to have some sort of social life was a bit too much when I was trying to make this blog run full time. I had put too much on my plate, and I was crumbling. So in addition to rebranding, bringing you better content--I will also be cutting down on the number of posts that go out each week. Each post will be thoughtful, and the best quality content I can possibly put out there. And, that's the main goal! Instead of trying to pump out massive amounts of sub-par quality shit, I want to bring you the best I can make! 


If you've made it through this whole post, congrats and thank you for reading down this far. I know this post is incredibly text heavy, but I had a lot to say on the matter. So, in addition to all these changes, I want to invite you all to feel free to comment, question, and voice your concerns! This blog is mainly about my journey in the art world, my view on social issues, and my pursuit of a more colorful world--but I also want to harvest a sense of community. That's a huge part of the rebranding. I want to develop a tribe a creative souls that crave color, and live for social justice, a tribe that enjoys creating a beautiful world around them and strives to learn as much as they can! If that sounds like something you'd be into, stick around...become part of the family! 

xoxo, Holly Erinn 

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