Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Weekly Update no. 10


Hello friends, 

It's been a crazy few months since last we really sat down and chatted. Bryan and I recently moved into our first home together. We've rented out the cutest little trailer with my baby brother David and his boyfriend. Say what you will about trailer living, I love it! I know it has a bit of a stereotype attached to it, but once you see it, especially inside, you'd lose that attitude real quick. It's been a ton of fun though. I've never really had the opportunity to have a space that was purely mine. I lived with my parents for years, went off to college, and the moved in with Bryan's parents and that's where we've been for the past 3 years now. It was certainly time for a change, and we certainly had hit that point in life where it's super awkward and folks start to question why you're still living at home. We're both really happy with it. It's not even a full month in and it already feels like home.  


About a week or so into moving in, there was a bit of a stall in production. My wisdom teeth, that had come in years prior and eventually all four had cracked, started to give me issues. Honestly friends, I have never been in so much pain in my entire life. Legit. Eventually, after many many many visits to dentists, the hospital and even an oral surgeon- I was pointed in the direction of a free dental clinic downtown. I swear it was fate, because the day I was told about it was the ONLY day they would be in town. I went down. Sat in line. Got incredibly sick (because of high doses of pain medication). And I got my damn teeth pulled in under 15 minutes! The amazing angels that took care of me when no one else would (the oral surgeon wanted me to wait an entire month before he would see me) are part of a mission called Mom-N-PA Dental Missions.  I am beyond thankful to these amazing people. I have never been treated with so much care and respect! Highly highly recommend looking into their missions if you are having issues with your dental needs. 

But, I'm healing now. Not totally healed, but I'm on my way to a full recovery...and best of all I'm pain free! So, basically that whole fiasco took about a week and a half out of my life and put our whole house project on hold....which put my business, this blog, and all my other official duties on hold as well. Things are back up and running though. I almost have my office completely together. There's just a few shelves that need installed, and I need a few chairs...one for my desk and one for at my easel. After that, I'll be able to show you all around in there!  


Since I've been feeling better, I'm been attempting to do more crafty projects and draw more. I hate not being able to do any of that. I get really antsy when I can't create things...even if that just means sitting down with my sketchbook and doodling. I can't wait to dive into the office and get a ton of work done. David, my brother, and I are planning on getting back into Youtube. We actually even filmed some last night. From even the planning stages of this move, my brain has been buzzing with ideas for our channels and this blog. I'm still not exactly sure what all I want to stock my store with yet. But, that's what this place is for....journeying through the multitudes of project ideas I have floating through my brain. I can't wait to continue on this journey with you guys with much better focus this time around and a refreshed sense of self. 

I hope you'll stick around and follow me down this windy path of weird internet oversharing! 

xoxo. Holly Erinn 

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