Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Weekly Update no.12


Hello friends, 

Last week, I mentioned that I was setting off to Texas to attend the funeral of one of the best men I've ever known, my Uncle Jim. It was probably one of the hardest things I've experienced since the death of my mother. The trip as a whole, wasn't that terrible. I had the pleasure of spending time with family members that I haven't seen in over a decade, and I got to meet some of my cousins' second...and third cousins. Honestly, it was a beautiful thing to see so many generations in one place, even if it was for such a dark moment. The Karnes Clan doesn't often get these moments where we are all in one place, so this was quite the sight. 

We drove down, so this was an epic journey. 20 hours down there, and 20 hours back in the car with my dad, another one of my uncles, and my 6'0-something Bryan. He was so cramped up by the end of our journey, but then again any giant that has to squeeze into a tiny box for 20 hours would be. But, that gave him ample time to work on studding one of his vests more, and he even did a little sketching. I love that our life together has become so creative...from all the weirdness that goes on at fright nights in October to decorating our home, and just the fun little projects we do together. He really does encourage my creative soul. 

During our time down there, I promised Bryan if he helped me get through this I would do my best to fit in just a bit of fun. One of the days, after we had finished up with everything we had to do that day, we went to down town Palestine and did a little antiquing. We stopped at a few little shops, and even an art gallery that sold wine...Granny Muffin Wine. We picked up a few little treasures, along with a few bottles of wine, on the way. 

There were big laughs, old memories shared, and many tears shed for a great man this week. Overall, it was a very hard week...but it is my mission in life to find happiness where ever I what ever circumstances are thrown upon my shoulder. My heart is still with my family down in Texas as our clan readjusts and shifts into a new era. And, my heart is with my sweet Uncle Jim as he joins my mother, and grandparents in heaven for a beer. I know they're watching over us, keeping an eye on us, and criticizing my every move like they always did. Thanks for keeping my ass in check up there, y'all. 

Here's to better weeks to come. 

xo. Holly Erinn 

Peg Leg Porker
this was one of the neighbors' cat that kinda adopted us while we were down there.

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