Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday Favorites no. 18

Hello friends, 

This week is all about reflection, and finding what really matters. I took last week off from blogging to clear my head, recharge my writing brain, and figure out what really matters when it comes to this blog. I've been thinking a lot about the content I post, and how I'd like it to really mean something--not just fluffy curated posts. The longer I blog, and as the years pass by; I find my self gravitating towards more serious blogging. Now, don't get me wrong, I love a good 'wishlist' or 'favorites' post just as much as the next girl. And, it's not to say that this friday favorites post is going any where...but the rest of the week's posts will be better written and there'll be more thought put into everything that gets posted from now on. I don't want to blog just to blog, how many times can a girl write the word blog before it loses all meaning....anyway...

Let's just say it's going to be a different happinessbrand blog around here in the coming months. I've got several 'heavy' topics that are scheduled for this month. But, I like the heavy makes you think, makes you pause. There's a lot going on in the world right now that needs to be talked about. And, I'd like to open up the floor for those conversations. 

So, this week's friday's favorites is all about details, and peace. Finding the balance between the two creates a beautiful space that I'm looking to create here on the blog. I aim to bring you guys colorful posts, detail oriented topics, projects, and products. I want to put more work into the things that I bring to you guys this year, whether it is dealing with the shop or the blog. I want to bring you quality pieces that are clearly well made with tons of love and effort, and I want to bring you quality blog content that keeps you coming back and expands your mind. 

If there's any topic that you'd like to know more about, or would like to see a conversation started....let me know down it the comments, tweet me, or leave it on our facebook page

Weekly Linkage 



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