Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Random Post: Happiness is a Choice


Hello Friends, 

The name of this blog is titled Happiness for a reason. Happiness is my goal in life, it's something that I decided a long time ago. That's kind of the purpose of this blog, it's a journey to consistently find and maintain happiness in my life. I think about the idea of life and why we're all here, probably far too often. I've come to the conclusion that regardless of where I end up in life, if I'm not happy...I will not stay there. But on the flip side of that, my life is what I make it. I must seek out my own happiness and create or fix it when it's not there. The words happy and happiness hold a deeper meaning to me than 'love, faith, or respect'. If you don't have happiness, none of that exists. At least not in my life. So I seek happiness in all I do. The above photo was taken at a Taco Bell. Random, right?! I was there a few weeks ago with couple of my friends that I hadn't seen in almost 3 years. Far too long. But we went back to our old college town and drove around looking at our old houses, reminiscing.

That was so great. What I'm pretty much trying to say is that my goal throughout this year, is to seek out my own happiness. I've been so grumpy lately. Mostly from being so horribly tired from school. And I've been complaining way too much. I'm changing this now. The last week or two has been filled with reading, writing, and some self reflection. Just what I've needed. I actually started writing in my journal again. Something that has never been one of my strengths, I can't keep a journal. I'm sticking with it, or trying to. 

Tiny Buddha has been my go to (along with the usual 'dear Google' letters I write) recently for my confusion. I won't go into detail, because there's no need to, but this post really has changed my perspective on things. And I feel such a release because of it. I know that sounds ridiculous to say such a thing because of a blog post, but it's so very true. I've also been attempting to make sure I spend time with my friends. I have a tendency to hermit myself away or just plain run when I get stressed out. 

The weather tends to play a large roll in the way I react to things, I've noticed. I don't do as well in the winter as I do in the warmer months. Even thou grey is one of my favorite colors (even thou its not a color), grey skies do nothing for me. I need that sunlight, damn it! So I can tell that I've been more down that usual, and it tends to progress and get worse when the weather is worse. I'm doing my best to not let it affect me. I've been day dreaming about summer a lot lately and that actually makes me happy. Just the idea of sunlight during the winter months, is enough to get me by. I can't wait to go on hikes with Bry again and see what all we can find on the trails. I'm determined to find another good skull this year! Maybe some feathers...that'd be rad! See! I'm day dreaming and already I feel lighter. 

We've also been talking about getting gym memberships but money has been tight lately. Any good home-tips to get in shape without bouncing around too much and tearing the house down? Low impact stuff?? I gots old joints for a young gal. hahah! I'm considering yoga? Any thoughts, friends?? 

This kind of turned into a much longer thing than I originally intended. But I guess that's good. Overall, I guess I would just like to say that I'm refocusing my attention on what this blog actually started out as. A pursuit of happiness, and anything that entails. When I get stressed, I often lose sight of my initial intentions and can't figure out what it is I actually want. But when I break it down, it's always Happiness. 


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