Monday, March 7, 2016

Weekly Update no.9


Hello friends, 

Hello March! I took this past week off from blogging to gather my thoughts, figure out where I wanted the blog to go, and to do some very much needed cleaning in my office. I've also spent much of this week focused on how Bry and I eat, and how we want to eat better. The Macy's at a local mall is closing, and they're having a huge sale right now. Bry and I got a fancy new clothing rack for our room, a few small items, and a brand new Nutribullet. This thing has certainly changed the game when it comes to getting Bry to eat his fruits and veggies. Over the past few months, he's been complaining about stomach issues, lack of energy, and just a general feeling of ickiness. This fancy little blender is actually getting my big 'ol carnivore to eat some veggies!! What a miracle!! 

In addition to focusing on our eating habits, and cleaning; I have also been drawing a lot more in my sketchbook. It's nice to be drawing just to draw. There's nothing about it that forces my to feel pressure like freelance illustration does, this type of art is just fun. It's also a great way to pass the time when Pittsburgh decides it not quite ready for spring. This yo-yo weather is just destroying people. Everyone is sick, and the others that aren't are just tired and worn out. It's such a crummy time of year in this neck of the woods. The weather switches from full-on winter to spring, back to frozen tundra, and back around to spring in only a matter of a day or two. It's enough to make you head spin! 

I have been doing a lot of reading and a lot of thinking about the race issues we have in this country. I am completely appalled that people still have racism in their hearts. I feel there's a responsibility of mine, as a white woman, to read as much as I can, and educate myself as well as I can before I even begin to speak on race. But, I am trying my best to educate myself so that when the subject of race does come up, either in conversation or over the internet--I am educated. I grew up in a family that was mostly raised in the south, and it's been an uphill battle all my life to fight against those teachings and develop my own thoughts on the subject. If nothing else, start reading more about racism in American, the struggles of our African American brothers and sisters, and open your heart to their struggle. You'll be much better off, and so will our world. Here's a few links that have caught my eye of the past weeks. //link//link//link//link//link//link//

There was a fire last Tuesday night right up the street from my house. It was probably one of the most terrifying events I've experienced in a long time. I had just got off from work, and came back into town to find this. All the streets where blocked off, and I couldn't get to my house to see where the fire was coming from. Thankfully, it wasn't my house, but my neighbors, my sons friends, lost every thing they own. These are people that I saw every day. Kids my son played with every weekend. Now, they've lost their belongings, their homes, their sense of safety. If you are able to, and can find it in your hearts to donate (toys, clothes, money, food, anything) please contact the Swissvale Fire Department.  
Any help is appreciated.


I also wanted to open the floor up for discussion, and comments---I want to hear what you guys would like to see on the blog this month. Do you want to see more art? More crafts? More fashion? More about mental health? Let me know! Leave a comment down below about what you'd like to see on the blog in the coming weeks. No ideas are wrong, and I welcome all suggestions!! Is there something that's really been catching your eye lately, want to see my expand on that idea? Let me know!! 

xo. Holly Erinn 

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