Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday Favorites no. 6

Hello friends, 

It's that time again for another Friday Favorites. The internet has been on fire recently with the Caitlyn Jenner announcement. It's even seeped into my real life, and friend circles. Some of which have gotten pretty heavy. I want to be perfectly clear here, I am 100% in favor and support of Ms. Jenner and the rest of the Trans community. I wanted to include a bit of that this week with the gorgeous Trans model above modeling for American Apparel. Now that's out of the way, let's get down to the rest of the beauty in today's post! 

This summer has already been a whirlwind of awesome for me! I've just finished a huge children's book project. It's so close to being ready for purchase, and as soon as it is, I'll put all the links up here for you guys. I've got 3 huge festivals/markets lined up to vend at also! All of which I will be sharing with you lovely people once they come around. So today's round up of internet goodness is all about the summer feel , feeling good and working hard! We gotta hustle, ladies! Get it hahahah! 

And don't forget to check out the Weekly Linkage down at the very bottom for even more!!!

xo. holly erinn 

Weekly Linkage 

This town is full of mermaids and it's glorious

Thursday, June 11, 2015

::Random Post:: Real Talk Episode 1

Hello friends,

I wanted to share my latest Youtube video with you guys today. David and I recently had a day out. Watch our antics in the taco bell drive-thru and failed attempts at hooping! It's pretty funny!!

xo. holly erinn

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

::Random Post:: Preparing for Markets (with the help of Pinterest)

Hello friends, 

With the summer in full swing now, and some really big markets coming up for Happinessbrand; I've been scouring the internet for display inspiration. I'm quite the lucky girl to have an amazingly talented father who is crazy skilled at woodworking. So a lot of the more complex and beautiful wooden displays that I've been drooling over are very much attainable with his help. I've always been a fan of great wood work (because of him) in craft booth displays. My dad is usually my market buddy, so he's always scoping out good display ideas and dreaming up new projects. 

This year, I want my booth to be super natural feeling, and heavily forest/ nature inspired. Wood brings such a warmth to a display, and that's really what I'm going for. Just a small place in the market or festival for folks to stop and feel welcome. A little spot to feel at home and get inspired to be magical. I live in a fairy tale world and I just want to share that with everyone else. 

Pinterest is such a great place to gather inspiration and ideas for events like this. Folks are so willing to share their knowledge and secret tips. I can't wait to start building with dad in the next week or two before everything starts up. And yes, of course, I will be sharing everything with you guys! Stay tuned. 

What has been inspiring you guys lately??

xo, holly erinn 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

::The Jukebox:: Iron and Wine

Hello friends,

Today's Jukebox is quite a hard hitting one. I'm sure a lot of you have heard of Iron and Wine. If you haven't, please go watch all the videos you can find of him on Youtube. There's something in his voice that sounds so nostalgic to me. In a weird way, it makes me sad. A good sad, though. It's like when I heard it, I'm sad for a memory that I don't really remember, or one that's just simply not mine. Give it a listen, and let me know what you think.

xo. holly erinn