Sunday, March 16, 2014

::TEXTILES & THREADS:: The First Warm Day

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Hello Friends!

So before I tell you anything else about today's post, I'd like to talk about Le Blog's new look! I really didn't like the designs I had up before, they were just something I threw together after Christmas to get all that red and green nonsense off there! haha! Not to say I didn't like it, but I was so excited about the holiday that I started celebrating in early November. Ugg...too much Christmas!

And since my little break from "real life", I've really been thinking about what I like, and where I want the blog and my life to go. I've decided to simplify. Because, simplicity is where my heart has been gravitating towards as I get older. That goes for design, my career choices, and just generally how I want to live. There's too much excess in the world. So the "feel" of everything is just simple and clean. I really like the combination of peach and white, and I think that's where my tastes are heading this spring. Hopefully, you guys like it as much as I do, because I kinda love it!

In addition to just a general astetic change, there's going to be a few other changes happening here. I'm trying to focus the content more and give a sense of wholeness to the blog, instead of the scatter-brained routine I was muddling through. I'm sure you noticed, the giant bubble up at the top of this post..."textiles & threads"... all post will be titled properly now, but I'm not going to lie, I'm not going to go back through all the old post just to retitle them. So it'll just be from here on out. I really like the idea of things being more organized and streamlined. And, I feel like it'll be a lot less confusing for you guys. It just kind of makes a little more sense now. In addition to all the technical changes, we'll be bringing you some new and different things, new posts, and some awesome new projects! Bry and I have been working really hard in preparation for the market this year, and I couldn't be more excited!

So now that all of the design talk is out of the way, let's talk fashion! Because that's what we're all here for right?! This was the first really warm day this year, so we totally took advantage of this gift. As you can see, I went ham. Bare legs all day! The dress is another hand-me-down from my sister. It's a sweatshirt material and HAS POCKETS!!!! Any dress with pockets is instantly attractive to me. All dresses should have pockets. Period. In my humble opinion....

I wore my Minnetonka moccassins and some nerd glasses from Urban Outfitters. All the jewelry I'm wearing, again was made by me. I find myself wearing a lot of my own designs lately, it's something that I just started this year. It always felt weird wearing my own stuff, like I was being cocky or something. But I'm over that noise, I really like my stuff this season! :P

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He told me to do something with my arms...this is what I gave him. LOL.
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This is his usual look, so don't be surprised if it doesn't change all that much. But I plan on having a little goodwill trip soon, so maybe I'll get him to switch it up a little. But I don't mind, he's so handsome I don't care what he wears...he's gonna look good. Yea, yea, I'm bias. I know.

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Le sigh....those eyes!

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And as usual, to give balance to the blog world, here are some outtakes. The stupid faces I make in between all the cute glances, and perfect hair....really are just ridiculous. But I like showing them, because you never get to see them on those big blogs. You know the ones I'm talking about, the ones that make us all hella jelly that we don't have that perfectly put together life. I'm just a normal girl that really likes clothes and makeup and I make really stupid faces. I love my boyfriend a lot, a lot, and I am so lucky to have found him. But life sucks a lot and things aren't always perfect, and I think a little of that needs to be shown. And if that means just me looking like a butt to create that balance, I'm good with that.

20140310_185449 She has to be a part of everything we do. Silly cat. @chainsaw_music #cat #instacat #instagood #pepper #boyfriend #love #beautiful #fluffy #lepeep #kitten #blond #sun #paint #acrylic

And of course, you're gratuitous picture of the beautiful, Le Peep. Miss Pepper-cat recently has to be in the middle of everything we do, and so very snuggley. I think it's because we've both been home for so long and she's gotten so attached. We were working on some sculptures for the market the other afternoon and this is where she insisted on laying. It's pretty funny, if we're both sitting on the bed, it's only a matter of seconds before this adorable little kitty is right in between the two of us. Without fail, every time. It's so cute!

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed today's photos. We had a ton of fun on this shoot and I can not wait til it's warm all the time! I have so many ideas for new shoots, and am getting incredibly impatient waiting on full blown spring!!!

What are you guys looking forward to the most??



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