Monday, March 10, 2014

Outfit Post: Rubber Soul


Hello Friends,

I'm here today to share a little outfit post. I know the internet is just flooded with fashion bloggers and people with some of the coolest, most expensive, awesome clothes...we're totally not them. We are poor as poor can be, but Bry and I love to get dressed up and I figured it could be fun to document our fashion styles. We love thrifting and I get tons of hand-me-downs from friends and cousins. Any way we can save money, we do! I've always loved fashion, it's something that I just gravitate towards like a magnet. And he goes a long with it, so how could I pass it up, right?!

This post is pretty casual, its pretty much our everyday looks. Really simple, jeans and t-shirt kind of people. So I felt it was a good day for a Beatles shirt, and why not include the record too! I found that record at Jerry's Records up in Squirrel Hill last spring for...(wait for it)....just $8!!!! WHAT?! One of my best finds. So anyhoozle...This is something we'd wear out to the mall, or to go run and grab some groceries. He loves color just as much as I do, so putting him in a bright red shirt with electric blue stripes was no issue. He's so chill, he didn't even blink when I grabbed this look out of his closet.

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Look how handsome he is! That's his everyday beenie. No kidding, if it goes missing...everything must be dropped before we can leave the house to find this hat. I get it though, it fits his head so perfectly. We found that shirt in Goodwill. I think it only cost him like $2. It's a skeleton of a short-faced bear. My nickname for him is "bear", so he kind of had to get it. Now he's got a few other shirts with bears on them. It's kind of become a thing. Have you guys seen any good shirts with bears lately? hahah!

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I've had that shirt and cardigan for years. I found the shirt in Walmart, actually back when I was at Douglas. That's a 6 year old shirt...yea, I hold on to stuff. Probably for too long. But, that's what being poor and fugal is all about! The sweater came from Target. I am totally obsessed with Target. Seriously. Their products and the design of pretty much everything in that store is just plain magical. I love the color pallets they use, and everything is always top quality. But I'm sure you all know that already, but I figured I'd gush about it any way.

The beanie I stole from Bry, the pants and undershirt are hand-me-downs from my best friend, Amanda. As you can tell, they're a bit long on me and I had to rol them up... a lot. She's 6'1" and I'm 5'2". Yea, there's a bit of a height difference. haha! My moccasins are Minnetonka, and all the jewelry I'm wearing I designed. If you're interested in purchasing similar pieces, visit our contact page and shoot me an email!

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Yea, so let's talk about this one. I guess Bry is a little quicker with the camera than I thought he was. He was just snapping photos the whole time, catching the most ridiculous faces I've probably ever made. This one, is pretty intense. I thought it was funny, and I think it's good to show the other side to all the perfect fashion blog photos. I look dumb as hell, but it's funny.

We're going to do a few more of these, I think. It was a lot of fun to get all dolled up for no reason and go in the back yard to bounce around. My dude is so cool and so easy going, I love that he'll give anything at least one chance. AND! For your viewing pleasure, another gratuitous picture of our lovely cat, Pepper being very sleepy the other afternoon. Enjoy :)

Until next time, friends!

Sleepy peep. #cute #sleepy #cat #instagood #instawesome #love #somanyfeels #omigod #myheart

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