Friday, April 28, 2017

friday favorites // no. 22

Hello friends, 

It's been another hot minute since I've posted anything. I've noticed over the years, that once I get on a roll, life seems to come crashing in and bringing everything to a massive stop. So yea, life got in the way again. Though, I must say I've been very productive with my art lately. I've been painting a good bit recently, mostly because I've pressured myself into doing a few shows. I've made it a goal to have at least 3 pieces in each show, and so far I've been able to keep up with that, and then some. Truckin' right along. But, everything else has gotten push aside. Bleh. 

Life really throws some curve balls some times, and I've learned that you just have to kind of roll with it. Don't fight the situation, and just let it ride it out. Most other people will guide it for you, and I know that sounds like you're just taking a back seat to life, but it's're allowing other people to make their own decisions. If it directly involves you, fight that shit head on! But, if you're a bystander, just stand by and roll with the punches. Be there for the people in your life the best you can and don't allow what ever negativity your'e trying to help them fight thru affect your own well being. You'll have to establish healthy emotional boundaries. That's being able to say, 'yes I am here for you, and I will help you' but not this does not affect me personally.

I thought last year was a year for lessons and growth, but 2017 (already!) is giving it a run for its money. Though, in every rough situation I have learned to look for the silver linings. There's always something I can learn or something positive to come out of even the darkest moments. If you look for the negative and destructive, that's what you'll find but if you look for the beauty and grace in a'll be amazing at what positivity can come into your life. I believe a lot of our world is controlled by our attitudes and outlook on life. I'm keeping the hope alive here, people. 

So, this week's collection of internet goodness is gathered around the idea of using beauty and color to help shape the way you view the world. I like to collect and surround myself with colorful and beautiful things, whether it be the decor in my home, the fruit on my counter, or the clothes on my back. I surround myself with prettiness and thus I feel pretty and positive. It sounds so lame and simple to type out but it honestly works for me.

 And, I've found myself for the past decade or so since I graduated college realizing that I can control my space (and life//and hair) and the way I feel about it with just simple things like clothes and decor and color. I've also added an image or two in today's collection that deal with Wicca. Since life has taken its incredibly while left turn out of nowhere, I've found myself gravitating towards my Wiccan roots and researching and practicing much more. If you're offended by that, sorry (not sorry). If you would like to chat about it and would like to know more or would just like to offer a novice wiccan some sound advice...hit me up!!! 

I hope everyone is doing well and that you guys have found balance in your life. Help out your friends, and be kind to everyone....and I really mean that. Even the most evil, black hearted people need kindness, and the best people are able to smile and show compassion in the darkest of times. Be that light that someone needs. And don't be afraid to show love and your soft side, that's honestly what I feel the world needs right now....sounds liking a fucking Pepsi Ad but whatever....just be good to people because there's a lot of terrible stuff and terrible people out there nowadays. 

Thank you for stopping by again, and I do apologize for my lack in posting (everywhere), but I am going to get back on track and bring you the amazing quality stuff I plan to share!!! The girls and I have some pretty fantastic things planned for the summer and I can't wait to get back to work. But to close out this post, I invite you to watch this documentary on how narcissists took over the world. It's opened my eyes to a lot of the issues that our clan is currently dealing with. It's definitely worth a watch. Until next time folks!!! 

AND!!! I would love it if you checked out my Patreon page and would consider becoming a patron to help support my art and help me release my first book in a series of children's books I am working on. Thank you in advance for checking it out, it truly means the world to me!!! ❤❤❤

xoxo. holly erinn

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